If you work at a place that won’t let you watch twerk videos, you need to find a new job anyway.
If you work at a place that won’t let you watch twerk videos, you need to find a new job anyway.
I get why they’re reluctant to do that - they worry people will start kidnapping themselves or their kids and then escaping themselves to collect. I don’t think it would happen, but that’s probably what they think.
3) Perfect game + no-hitter in the same season. That’s a singular achievement that would probably warrant inclusion in Hall on its own.
This is one of the reasons why internet advertising is unlike print or even TV advertising. The ad platforms you contract with demand an unprecedented level of control over your content and your users’ computers, all of which occurs effectively without your specific knowledge of what’s being served. You can’t even…
I friends connected to USOC and Olympics. They are mad as hell. Wrong has been done in their names but they had no way to stop it (or even know it was going on). Apparently there’s talk of a boycott/walkout, or petitioning the IOC to compete as Independent Olympic Athletes as a protest.
This is one of the problems of dealing with institutional corruption of one kind or another (we also see it in the Larry Nassar/Penn State/etc scandals). Wide ranging punishments have wide ranging consequences, and often affect the innocent - or even the least powerful of the guilty - much more than they affect the…
It doesn’t benefit Machado for everyone to know how depressed his market is.
It’s great as a sendup of boring, pretentious art films by swerving a complicated drama faith, family, and disappointment into a ridiculous scifi plot, of a piece with Sense and Sensibility and Seamonsters. Unfortunately, that’s also its greatest weakness, because the concept, and not the execution, is the funniest…
Wait, what three movies? Signs? You’ve got to be kidding me.
Imagine if, by mutual agreement, every little league, office softball team, rec league, and JV/varsity college baseball team were organized into a coherent system with Major League Baseball and the minor leagues, with all the men’s teams in a one hierarchy (or “pyramid”). That’s basically how soccer works in most…
Being humorless and arbitrary in your use of power is to people who like strongman dictators what “being presidential” is to the rest of us. That’s why when Trump does what everyone here considers gaffes his supporters eat it up.
Who is this for? If you loved the reboot, this isn’t going to bring any of those people back. If you hated the reboot, it’s being made by different people, but still with no understanding of what made original tick (i.e. the Aykroyd/Ramis script).
If the Warriors trade Steph Curry, does he ever become Steph Curry? The whole thing with their breakout season is that they managed to catch lightning in a bottle and keep it there.
It’s as clear as black and white.
FYI: A “kapo” was a concentration camp prisoner given special privileges in exchange for helping the administrators run the camp and brutalize the inmates.
The whole functioning of governance and power in DC is predicated on the Federal government being able to tell the city what to do. It could change but we’d also need massive constitutional reform - which DC statehood would require anyway. I figure the best compromise would be Congressional representation without…
Fun fact: the Army has plans on file for symmetrical designs for just about every possible number of states, up to about 60 or something. (51 isn’t even prime, so it’s easy: you just have three double rows 7/6 stars each. You wouldn’t even notice.)
Fuck this guy, Jesus. How hard is it really to just not say shit that demeans the real life struggles and travails of sexual assault victims?
The overlap between “people who play basketball in these shoes” and “people who pay for these shoes” is basically 0. You wear ‘em because Nike is paying you to wear ‘em, or you buy ‘em because you’re a sneakerhead and they’re the latest gotta-have thing, in which case you also fucking take care of them because sports…
Seeing movies alone is like eating alone, IMO. Once you get over the fear that comes with doing things differently from society’s expectation, actually pretty great. That said: the downside of seeing a movie alone is not having someone to discuss it with afterwards. Would totally date someone who was like, “Let’s sit…