A good hotdog is grilled over fire on a summer day. Everything else is crap.
A good hotdog is grilled over fire on a summer day. Everything else is crap.
Because it was the first time all the best American players were on a team at once, and it kind of mattered. Plus they wanted to get revenge for an embarrassing result in ‘88.
Someone decided -ough didn’t have enough different pronunciations in English.
I doubt that the ROI on building a quality roster is anywhere near profitable.
The problem is this: With a strong revenue sharing model, teams are more balanced relative to each other but have little incentive to spend money to earn marginal wins. Without a strong revenue sharing model, teams have more incentive to spend more to do well, BUT teams in smaller markets* have less money and are less…
Only one willing ally, but it’s an ally whose interest Trump values far more than he does most Americans’. Deal will be that Saudi Arabia provides the causus belli and Trump just goes along with it because they are such great guys.
Half Time, Half Outkast
According to legend, when Philip II of Macedonia was preparing to invade Sparta, he sent a message to the Spartan kings saying, “If I bring my army to Laconia, I will ravage your lands, murder your people, and raze the city.” The Spartans replied with one word:
A parking lot, even.
Advice from several years of planning largeish family trips to fun places: don’t be afraid to split up. There are some more “guy” things in Paris, like Maison du Whisky, Les Invalides (military museum), Arts et Metiers, and a cigar lounge from the 18th century, which might be appealing diversions for the non-sculpture…
This is also the generation that sold the counterculture out completely to MTV, media companies, and the government, so what did you expect?
Pushing, according to the rule, is okay, though.
Kill all on air commentators.
Come on, you talk about this guy as if he had accepted a meal from somebody.
It’s all in how well you roll with it. A Nick from my school hated being called Big Dick Nick.
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I figured it was because film critics are bland and films are getting blander.
The US team will be boycotting it for sure. It will be an involuntary boycott, but a boycott nonetheless.
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