Yeah... this has been known for quite awhile now.
Yeah... this has been known for quite awhile now.
“Back in my day we had roof vents and plexi-NACA ducts!”
Grandpa who lived through the 90's.
You had an iPhone and a DS, and you were complaining about the 6 dollars you had in your pocket?
Wow man. Get a fucking grip.
Vin, do you ever actually do anything except for try to garner stars on Jalopnik yourself?
While the old NSX stood for New Sportscar eXperimental, I think where the original NSX made breakthroughs was in material engineering/tech so as to facilitate the connection between driver and car and not in electronic/computer aided tech to detract from that connection for the sake of speed.
Smoochie smoochie.
You know literally nothing about automotive design if you think this is to the DB9 what the DB6 was to the DB5.
If by sim, you mean “tire scrubbing, snap-oversteering mess”, then yes.
Yeah... this isn’t rare at all in Northern Japan.
Fuck this BS POS movie and everything it stands for.
Any time I read “This”, I instantly cringe. Thanks for my morning cringe.
It’s 110lbs lighter than a 911 RS?
What’s a 911RS? Like, an old 911RS?
3.6 RS?
NOW, as in present tense.
Forget that - look at the size of the center console! That’s absolutely insane. Totally unacceptable.
You can put lipstick on a pig but...
This car is still hideous.
I felt the hurl come up.
I need a drink.
I just emailed the guy. I’m very interested in purchasing it.
I always wondered if animals see cars at a Safari as similarly, being an animal as well. I mean, it moves on its own. It stops. It has eye-looking things (headlights), and it roars when it attacks.
I mean, why wouldn’t they consider them an animal?