“No, seriously, this Halloween movie will be the last one.”
“No, seriously, this Halloween movie will be the last one.”
I love Bu$hleaguer. And the live performance of it with Vedder in a Bush mask and disco jacket is downright hilarious. And even if you don’t dig the track, it has to be acknowledged that it took fucking balls to do that on the road back in 2002/2003 when much of the country was completely on board with the Iraq war.…
100% with you! People are now saying the prequels are better films. Up is down. I love the *story* that came out of Eps I-III, but damn they’re ham-fisted clunkfests. The sequels are messy and lack world-building, but the acting is great and they’re very solid entertainment and fun rides. And the dynamic between Rey…
Some of the worst music you’ve ever heard? You don’t listen to much music. Can I offer you some Nickleback or something out of the mumble rap bin?
“Within a few weeks of your birthday”? How long do you celebrate your birthday?
What a great story. Thanks for the positive spin.
I don’t think we’re going to see an “unfucked” Original Trilogy until George is dead. Disney has some sort of agreement with him, I think. Otherwise, it would’ve come out as soon as the sale was made. No, something is preventing it from happening, and my guess is that.
You need to “lie down” after this? You are “hyperventilating”? Jesus Christ. I’d hate to know how you’d react if something important actually happened. It’s this kind of histrionic writing and click-baity nonsense that give the left a bad name. TODAY IN MEGHAN MCCAIN VIEW NEWS OH MA GERRRRRDDD
US didn’t work for me for many reasons, but mostly because a) Peele undercuts any and all tension with humor. Frights were countered with laughs; the entire “horror scene” with Elizabeth Moss and her family brought the film to a screeching halt and turned it into a Funny or Die! short. From there on out, the mood was u…
I seriously doubt Wendy Carlos is scoring this.
Fuck you, Stephen King. The only reason this exists is because he hates Kubrick and Kubrick’s version. This despite the fact that King has numerous awful adaptations of his works (including the awful MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE which he himself directed), and a shitty TV Shining mini-series that no one likes. It’s really petty…
You lost me at “children’s choir”. The band is actually sampling the Hans Zimmer soundtrack to THE THIN RED LINE, which uses Choir of All Saints from Honaira. You should see the movie, it’s amazing.
It was shark-jumpingly bad, but it had been progressing (or regressing) to that point all season long. The first season was fantastic, but as soon as they ran out of source material, the wheels started coming off. Characters’ actions became ridic and the Gilead state of affairs were just not believable. When the show…
Baron Harkonnen seems the logic choice for The Hedgehog.
Counterpoint: M Night’s entire twisty career has been a slump. Therefore, the sophomore effort is no different than the freshman.
FWIW, I liked THE LAST JEDI, and I love Laura Dern, most recently in Twin Peaks (“Fuck you, Tammy”). But she was terribly miscast in this film. I found her to be stiff and uncomfortable. Holdo awkwardly saying “May the Force be with you” is not a career moment. It just didn’t work very well. I think it’s OK to love…
Michael Imperioli, is that you?
That’s like saying Jaws: The Revenge is the best Jaws.
I don’t think his first Halloween is good; it starts out strong but eventually devolves into fan service and shot-for-shot copycat nonsense. But I think II is excellent.