well you’re supposed to air down first
well you’re supposed to air down first
The Ethan kid should’ve been held accountable for his actions and it’s bullshit that he wasn’t. Rogel needs to be held accountable for his as well.
Due to intentional negligent operation of a commercial vehicle, four people are dead. Four families forever torn apart.
He could’ve not gone down the pass if he was unsure.…
I would argue ‘86 or ‘87 when they stopped using production body tubs, but definitely in ‘92 when they went to fiberglass template bodies.
Worse is I’ve watched people following right behind the plow when they’re spraying that corrosive liquid de-icing agent on the roads and their vehicle is just coated white from the stuff.
Generally, it’s better for a car to understeer than oversteer
The one that sticks with me is a game on Guardian.
When I had my game store, I had three teens in saying how they were hot stuff and an “old guy” like me (I was in my 20s) couldn’t keep up. Alright, I’m up for a challenge.
4 player Free For All, shotty/hammers, Guardian. First to 50 wins.
I won with a K/D of 50/0. The…
disagree. when i just got my license there was two cars in the household i was allowed to drive - a 91 CRX, and a 92 Caprice sedan. I ended up totaling out the Caprice due to my stupid driving. I hit a tree at ~60mph and shoved the front end in two and a half feet. If I had been driving the CRX and it had crushed in…
It’s funny you mention GTA because a couple years back they pushed an update for GTA4 to remove some songs that had their licenses expire.
I miss when you could just own software.
the answer is “yes”
Well written discussion always deserves elevation out of the greys.
well, where are you going to fit one of these inside the cabin of a BMW?
That’s what I’ve been doing.
It’s “micro” relative to the cost of the car. I suppose your terminology is better. I still stand by the sentiment of what I have said though.
hang on, I saw at least one of those on RCR.
the internet is a small world sometimes
So you’ve watched the sales process at a Harley dealership before?
good marketing on u-haul’s behalf
define low ruble