Or Heaven’s Gate.
Or Heaven’s Gate.
The word “Waco” was thrown around rather generously.
The ‘87 Shelby GLHS (based on the same 2-door L-body as that ‘86 Charger) added an intercooler and bumped the power up to 175hp. That was good for 6.7 seconds 0-60, a nearly identical time to the ‘87 Mustang GT. The Shelby Mopar offerings were competitive cars at the time.
I remember a lot of these, sporting is charitable on a few. I liked the LSS a lot, just such a clean look. The 5.9 Dakota’s were just stupid fun burnout machines, considered one but I didn’t want to feed it.
F Series Pickup
You don’t believe that I would rather spend 2 minutes reading an article comparing tires than spend 10 minutes watching some pointless YouTube video that could have been a text you could read in 2 minutes? You really don’t believe that? Are you too young to remember reading print newspapers and magazines, that got…
I’ve spent most of my life in western NY and dealt with the snow and ice for a long time. But we’ve been getting fewer dustings, fewer flurries, and fewer big storms. I figure in 10 years it’ll stop snowing almost entirely, and we’ll be up here enjoying the temperate weather and access to fresh water as the west coast…
I wish I had the space and price for a dedicated set of winter tires but that is not going to happen. I try to get the all season with the best winter traction and 3 mountain peak rating. Yes I KNOW I am to have a set of winter tires but the extra $1500 AND the storage space are real issues.
It’s almost as if some people like things that you don’t.
Not 100% unkillable - I’ve destroyed a rod bearing in a slant six. Although it did take a complete loss of oil pressure due to a cracked oil pipe to make it break. And even after it broke, I drove home on the freeway at 130km/h with the engine making a noise like a bunch of bricks in a cement mixer, so maybe they are…
If any kind of vehicle, i would also like to nominate the Allis Chalmers WD45 tractor from the 1950s. Many of them still used on small farms, for real work.
Chevy Astro Van. Every Latin family in the US has had one and they are still EVERYWHERE
These days, every rest area I have seen is overflowing with trucks, literally out past the no parking signs on the on/off ramps. Granted I am in a heavy shipping corridor (northeast) but in the last couple years since the supply chain pinch I don’t think I’ve gone by one that isn’t overflowing.
You can thank first Jimmy Carter and then Ronnie Reagan for deregulation of the trucking industry. That was the start of the race to the bottom. I got my combination license in 1981 and drove for 25 years. Drivers today are making the same or less money as I was when I quit driving. The quality of drivers today is…
I flew on a B-29 a few years ago and THAT was leaking all kinds of stuff. But thats probably age related, not engineering.