Summer of 1985, I was 17....
My dad was an Owner Operator for North American Van Lines doing Household (moving a families furniture), mostly from the Chicago area to the west coast.
Summer of 1985, I was 17....
My dad was an Owner Operator for North American Van Lines doing Household (moving a families furniture), mostly from the Chicago area to the west coast.
Christine, a 1958 Plymouth Fury from a horror story/movie by Stephen King.
People that enjoy the new NASCAR with its stages, dont know what racing actually is/was.....
Like the idiots in/near Midway and OHare who cry about the noise AFTER they move in.
Well, it IS Florida after all...... and just look how much their Gov. loves helping people.
Yes, Portillos is the stereotypical “Chicago Dog”.... But since Dick sold it, and they became corporate, they have gone downhill. Still a decent dog, but Gene and Judes is and has been for 40 years my preferred dog.
They should try to keep it all on the bun 1st.......
Hard ot eat a burger when 1/2 the toppings are all over the inside of the box.
Burgerless Burger, they already serve those here in the US..... a kid my wife works with hit the drive thru at the local McDs here in town. He ordered 2 cheeseburgers with only cheese...... he unwrapped it, and it was bread and a slice of cheese. Both of them were that way.
Im pretty sure CBs dont transmit all the time they are powered on.
Know who the 1st fatality on the scene of cabover accident is.......??
They do exist, as special order only.....
Wing windows, and ball chillers.....
Backup cameras.... If I can back a 53 foot trailer into a loading dock for 35+ years, I dont need a camera...
And in the latest news..... dont trust about 99% of the shit you see on Tik Tok
Bring back the Hot Mustard sauce damnit!!
In the mid 80s after I got out of high school, I was a lumper for a local moving company. We would wait in the break room until a road driver came in, and needed help unloading, and we would get sent out with him.
1 driver had a hole cut in the floor board, with a hose and a funnel, so he could piss into the funnel…
Any video that saves me $$$, like replacing CV axles, etc....