
Your other hand remains completely free to continue jacking off about your CyberTruck.

The sort of guy that needs to very much not be in the military in order to stop Jan 6th, pt2, happening. Guys like this were the Republican long game, get the trumpiest Trumpy Trumper types into key officer and senior enlisted positions, and you control the army. The military equivalent of regulatory and judicial

you said the same thing 3 times in a row.

Its because we all know exactly what kind of person he is when he said that: Typical white, conservative, Trump-supportin’ piece of shit.

Is anyone else a bit suspicious of someone buying a Cybertruck on an O-3's salary?

Of all the things annoying about this guy, it’s the ‘nice try Buttercup’ that gets me the most.  May your CT be plagued by all of the common issues

Oh crap the conspiracy idiots will go wild. 

I check one big bag every time I go on a major trip and I have yet to have any kind of trouble. I don’t need to worry about fighting with overhead space, so I’m not in any rush to board. I don’t need to tiny-size my toiletries, I can just throw them in the checked bag. I don’t know why this is a big deal for people.

A.J. Foyt has to be at the top of the list. His record of wins in multiple racing disciplines will never be equaled. First 4 time winner at Indy. Only driver to win Indy, Le Mans, Daytona 500, and 24 hours of Daytona. He could win on any type of track, from 1/4 mile dirt to road course. To quote Smokey Yunick,” A.J.

AJ Foyt

What a piss poor comparison...

One was not an active threat to anyone, the other is a guy riding a vehicle that weighs a few hundred pounds at 30+ miles per hour on a path meant for pedestrians lol

I’m normally on the ACAB side, but I’m really struggling to be displeased with what the cop did here.

 the stages are dumb.

Right, so essentially the stage breaks give broadcasters more chances (besides the multiple, way longer than necessary cautions) to show commercials.

Written like a true millennial who wasn’t even born yet when the racing was “real”. Let’s go back to letting them duke it out in the infield,when you could buy on Monday something remotely similar to the car that won the race on Sunday.

I find that many news outlets misuse the word “star” when discussing reality TV show personnel. Preferred terms might include “participant,” “D-lister,” and/or “narcissistic meat sack.”

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