Toecutter X


Agreed on Fargo.  I liked Lebowski but I don't get the hype. 

My late nomination: the 1953 War of the Worlds. My god, at less that 90 minutes long, the flick hits the ground running and doesn’t let up till the ending. The ancient special F/X even hold up well (great example: the disintegrated Army officer turned to a skeleton first). Compared to Spielberg’s bloated version, the

Champagne - or other sparkling wine of choice - with heavily buttered & salted popcorn* is a fantastic meal.

Good humanitarian service right there!

Came here to say this... kinda.. I use to it get the fire in my wood boiler started again.  Beats the hell out of kindling.

The car batteries need friends

How to reuse packing peanuts:

I keep a decluttered phone. That’s just how I am in all aspects of my life. But let me tell you, I work in the legal field, and that’s not how probably 99% of the population is. Boy will you get grilled if your phone is completely clean. I once had a deposition go on for 100 pages about why the witness did not have

If you try to blow snow into the wind, you deserve to wear a beard of ice and snotsicles.

This is why you shred documents early and often, boys and girls. Once you are served a subpoena, it’s destroying evidence.

I were picking one perfect Nolan movie, I’d probably opt for The Prestige. Memento is great too though (and, to your credit, feels a bit tighter).

‘The Adventures of Robin Hood’ with Errol and Olivia.

Perfectly cast, beautifully shot, a tale that’s lasted for a thousand years and still wears well.

There’s no better Robin or Marian - or Tuck or Little John or Will Scarlet, either.

Every time Logan Paul does something stupid, an angel gets it’s wings.

I’ve found this bread is really good for dipping in olive oil (add a little salt and pepper, yum). And the Greek brand Eliki is good olive oil.  I’ll look for some Spanish oil.

This is not explicitly recommended by the tsunami warning center, but it is implied. :)

hell yeah, that’s delicious!

If you are in a boat:


Be easier and cheaper to just convince them that the arsenic challenge is a thing.