
How many people actually fold the windshield down though? and to what purpose? 

So I probably shouldn’t have watched that video at work without headphones, got a ton of dirty looks from my coworkers. Not because of the sound, but because I was masturbating.

Hey, it’s less than a 1994 Toyota Supra.

Holy shit, if you can’t trust football coaches & Catholic priests these days who can you trust?

Hahaha, i do exist Jason and i am one of Jalopnik’s biggest Kurdish fans. Hope everyone enjoyed the video.

There are bros across the country that cannot wait to roll as many custom parts as possible into the purchase and drive it away on a 72 month note. Same for a legion of dads that don’t want to drive a FUV but can’t quite bring themselves to drive something that doesn’t make them feel tall and potent. 

They had sage but need more thyme.

I hate to be a curmudgeon, and hooray for manuals and 4x4s, but what in the world does a non-performance vehicle need with 7 gears?

LC was built for places where people have to DD on poor to non-existent roads AND last 25 years.

i cant stop saying “faceboat” now.

That was not bad atoll.

He fucked Bob Taft in a barn? kinky....

Thank god they’ve got excellent health care!

This E3 has been meh at best. Sure tehnintendo stuff seems ok and I’m stoked for Odyssey, Xbox backward compatibility is killer and I’m always open for more Shadow of the Collosus but overall the show feels like kind of a letdown. So we have a remake of an old game, a bunch of old games on Xbox, and MARIO. Oh and DLC

I’m DTF as well....

In my opinion if you can spend the same money on more specialized vehicles, do it.

Allegedly the fastest car in the world is car referred to as “My Buddy’s Mustang”. I hear about it at every car show but have yet to lay eyes on it.

Good to see that Tim Tebow isn’t the only one walking around with single A written all over him.

At least she bypassed the more common “Halfrican.”

I’m also for a Cubs-Indians series, because wouldn’t it just be spectacular and funny if twice in one year the obvious best team in a sport lost the championship to a team from Cleveland?