Todd Gilbert

Yep I have a GL too - probably the car I’ve been happiest with purchase wise. In fact I love it so much that just in the past few months I sold my CarMax warrantied 750i xDrive to buy a used ML550.

Yup that number wasn’t a typo. I don’t get to drive it much as it’s my wife’s daily. Of our probably 600 days of ownership I bet roughly 40-50 of them it’s been in the shop and we’ve had a brand new loaner. Some like the 440i Gran Coupe I’ve really liked - our most recent was a base X5 and OMG the sensatec is SO cheap

I am the target market for this. Huge BMW nerd, learned to drive a stick on an e21, first car out of college a e46, currently own a e93 and a f01 (short wheelbase 750) and most importantly a Mercedes GL this thing would go up against.

Quit being a scaremonger.

Ambitious but rubbish

Do I get anything for following Doug’s advice?

Also... You can buy a 550i with a stick.

I bought a 750i xDrive with MaxCare - I know not quite the same as the V12 twin-turbo 760.

BMW does not do this - hasn’t in years.

Yep - I bought a 996 convertible just 3 weeks ago. Don’t knock it till you try it - the flat six howl is just that much louder. It was also only $12K.

Great update and a rare in the industry behind the scenes look at a decision maker’s thought process.

I used to feel this way 100%.

I just did the same thing! But on a 2012 750i xDrive....... Google "N63 reliability" and you'll see I was wise.

Dunno if you remember me reaching out on the twitters.... but I finally jumped on this!

Quizzes are super fun - but you should take some of this advice:

I've got it in mine too - the "Mopar Premium Sound and Leather" package with Katzkin leather - pretty nice. Leather cleans up so much easier than cloth - that's why I ordered mine that way.

Great job by the cop. Stop reading if you've got an easily upset stomach.

I used to have a 17" MBP - but when the 15" Retina one came out I snatched one of those.