Todd Gilbert

Theme: A little bit crazy.

The guy in the Range Rover Sport ended up facing a civil suit from the motorcyclist he ran over, who was — stunningly — represented by Gloria Allred. That motorcyclist was driving on a suspended license and claims he is paralyzed. Certainly that is still ongoing.

We just need more of these. It’ll force you to pay attention.

Doug DeMurano. Now and forever.

Most TTAC commenters (and some of the writers) don’t really seem to be “enthusiasts”. Owning a 3800 V6 powered General Motors sedan seems to be held in high regard over there - with Camry ownership a close second.

I think I’m going to be sick. That Miura was my father’s. Number 4906. He sold it to help pay for the family home in 1997... for less than 10% of what it would go for these days. I’m terrified to think of how expensive it has become, because it is my ambition to get it back for my family some day.

And browner.

That was already announced last year, and it presumably runs over Bluetooth and presumably locks out the phone’s screen, just like it does when plugged in over USB.

Quizzes are super fun - but you should take some of this advice:

"lolol a loaded ford focus costs over $30k! that's nearly BMW 4-series starting prices!"

Can I choose neither?

my family have 2 grey hounds, they are great pets. One thing is, they don't actually require a lot of space, (we live in an apartment) as they spend most of the day sleeping, all you need is to take walks with them and they'll be happy. As for letting them run, don't ever let them off in unenclosed areas, they are