
Like the Big Mac he favors (and may he eat lots of them) Der Drumpfenfuhrer has a special sauce (Laura has some difficulty with words).That sauce is actually cheap greasy salad dressing, rather like our cheap greasy Republican Nominee, and can be poured over substandard hamburgers,slimy lettuce, and utter bullshit to

Thank you for your graciousness. I crashed right into that pileup and started road raging. You are one of my favorite commenters from way back. I sometimes wonder if I’ll ever be mature enough not to let Net rage overcome me...♡

That was a cute reply to someone who wasn’t polite at all. Much nicer than I deserved, thank you.

I do know how they work and should have been more careful. I apologize. I had an Internet seizure of rudeness when the dog piling started and caught you and Randilyn in the crossfire. I beg your pardon.

I apologize. There was a maddening spate of ignorance and I lost my mind. I know how literate you are and your comments are intelligent and to the point. I should not have snarked before I realized to whom I was replyibg.

As is your handle..

Ok, I’m sorry, there is no more room to put these cheeseheads, bring out the transports. Loading now for Clueless, and all points west.


Oh God why didn’t we just rent a stadium and give all these people seats in the ASS WIPE BOWL.

I’ve got a two top in Fuckheads, grab a friend and be seated....

Shitforbrains, party of one. Come this way, I’m sure you’ll see someone you know.

Thank God, they’ve opened the Fuck head secrion. Right this way, mind your head, the ceiling’s a little low in here.

Idiot, I need a window seat in Idiot please, this person can’t stand all day.

I’m calling for backup. Can someone, I have no room in the Brain Donor section. WHERE ARE THEY COMING FROM?

I’m going to have to ask you to wait in the bar. The Stupid, Idiot, and Clueless areas are all full. Feel free to enjoy a complementary cup of irony while you wait.

Do you mind sharing this banquette in Stupid with Chumpzilla? The Idiot section is over capacity. As soon as I get a break, I will move you to Misogny.

I just threw someone out of.Stupid to accommodate you. Do make yourself at home.

It’s getting crowded in Stupid, so let me show you to Wowreally. Still room in the good seats.

Right thus way, please, the Archie Bunker Fan Club meeting has already started.

Make yourself comfortable, I’ve moved your luggage to the Notafuckingclue suite. You’ll be hapoy here with your friends Barney and the Veggie Tales.