
And here’s a seat for you, in Idiot First Class....

Pleas sign in on the roster, under Bitter.

And another brain donor reports in.

You want to build a wall, scooter, and keep all your culture in it? You fool, no one owns language. How fucking ridiculous to think that you can rope off words. You are like a nasty little child who throws a tantrum because someone touched the sand in the community sandbox when your ass was sitting on it.

70 next birthday if nobody steps up as a hero.

Let me just say that Trump is the Elmer Gantry of American Politics.

Swine staring at pearls in one....two...three

I believe you came in that way.

Please note the angry how dare you drink while nursing comments if you want to be even more deeply depressed.

May I suggest a library, see Russian political writers.

If you post an indignant comment about drinking and nursing or demand to.know how Joanna could write something if she was dead, please return to your illiterate brethren over on Facebook. YOU ARE IN OVER YOUR HEAD HERE.


Oh my God, do you not get it? Have you never read Metamorphosis or allegories?

Pearls before swine, darlin.

Listening to the disdain some of the commenter have for noobs and non soul cyclists, I think back to my second cancer surgery when I started yoga to try to preserve what body I had left. I was sore, stiff, and 25 lbs overweight from steroids. I still remember Jackass LaLanne standing over me as I wallowed on the floor


Seriously. I don’t hang my stringer over the side anymore or my bait bucket...looks too much like samples.

I can vouch for the fact there is one in Lake George longer than an aluminum fishing boat. Also that he is perversely attracted to it and I fear the day when he finally makes his move to mate with it.


Waterfowl, fish, turtles, and deer if they are unwary; also garbage and debris; any dead thing they run across.