And lo, they looked, and there crying from the hills was.Common Sense.
And lo, they looked, and there crying from the hills was.Common Sense.
I absolutely love Gorilla Mom vs Wild Dog Mom and I desperately want to see the movie.
Can we not occupy the middle ground here? Yes, the internet is acting like a pack of wild dingos. No, none of us are perfect. But a certain level of personal responsibility is demanded of all of us. Like the tragedy in Brisbane right now where a.young woman was taken by a crocodile after wading in croc.infested…
I just can’t with your victim blaming.
And yet...they’ve gone years without any problems. What are the chances?
So basically we enclose the animals in concrete bunkers or what? Because absent my.excellent suggestion of hot razor wire, science has yet to find a material impervious to human stupidity.
Like raindrops, bubba. BUILD THE WALL! BUILD THE WALL!
I concur. A ten foot drop to the enclosure, warning signs and a three stage barrier are not sufficient.
I am sorry (did that do it for you, I have more) you had to endure such an ableist attack. I myself am a rage-dependent angerbetic and the lack of empathy from the public is shocking.
When one has unwittingly caused a major tragedy in public one’s best course of action is to keep one’s non-child-watching pie hole shut.
“ It’s a fool who looks for logic in the chambers of the human heart.”
That was a pretty boy when he started out and there’s nothing he’s done since to put the amount of mileage on him that we see except liquor and drugs. I’ve never seen the proverbial happy drunk but the violent nasty bastard breed is entirely too familiar. And maybe his grubstreet style isn’the grunge chic after…
I don’t know what her religious stance is now but I seem to remember that she was pretty adamant that she saved herself. There were no angels. Her book ought to be required reading in every school.
Kinja doublepost...
She would eat his fucking lunch. From my mouth to the universe’s ear!
Fortunately she did not have the hideous experience Elizabeth had but proud mama here - youngtodaysfreshhell is a victim advocate at a DV shelter, counselor and a rape crisis responder - goes to the hospital with victims of rape and DV. Nothing she could do could make me prouder and Elizabeth Smart was one of her…
I think from my quick reading it means they are allowed to continued attending but they have to wear a T shirt that says JESUS KNOWS YOU’RE A SLUT.
I hunted this down and now I am a heaving frothing rage monster. Who wants to fly to BYU and just fucking LAY FUCKERS OUT?
She is a bright arrow against the dark. I can easily believe she has light around her.
Fuck ‘em. I write in pure English but when I talk I drop all my g’s and drawl like John Wayne on ‘ludes. They are not worthy to fold her panties.