
This is what a warrior looks like. I want to punch my fist in the air and cheer every time I see her.

Step over here, please. We have witnesses that saw you piloting that attack drone.

You have good words. The best words.

Depp should pay nothing. He needs every dollar he has to fix his damn teeth.

I disagree but that was a very well written comment.

You are spot on. Criminal investigators are used to liars but Anthony’s lying was so off the charts - so disconnected from reality - they did not know where to begin. Sadly, I cannot support your hope. She had “Bella Vita” tattooed on her skank-ass shoulder on July 2, 2008. Caylee had at that time been missing for

I’m just a redneck but when I see, absent all else, a trunk with body fluid staining and maggots and a strand of baby hair and there’s a missing child involved, I tend to think there’s a problem. You’re commenting without reading the provenance of the case. You’ve had two excellent commenters give you the facts. That

Baez - like his brother from another mother, Trump - is pretty fireproof now. He’s done very very well out of this, and unless he strangles a small child on a public street is probably untouchable. And Anthony would never testify and as victim her testimony would be critical He’s an apex predator - she just kills

It did and her brother as well. But you never skate away clean from that kind of accusation. Anthony accused both of them - that’s what they got for supporting her. I have always been surprised she never turned on Baez but I think she knew even her amazing ability to lie wouldn’t keep him from vaporizing her.

Good memory. The attorney Cheney Mason took care of Casey after the trial - please note that Jose Baez kind of ghosted on her, he had his cookie from the cookie jar and was done. Mason had what looked like genuine compassion for her and she would probably have been in the news again without him. Being what I am I have

The shade of Jim Rockford haunts me, too. But P.I.’s are a lot closer to Mickey Rourke in Angel Heart than to Rockford or your friends. My experience has been that they are carrion-eaters. Maggots with a camera.

Please know that I when I saw your username, I knew I was not worthy of your company.

I have often wondered what they discussed, the three of them, as they sat around the dinner table at night.

You are entirely correct. It was AHS quality family dynamics. I have rarely seen the family of a missing child show their asses with any more vigor than the Anthonys.

They had evidence. Circumstantial evidence is entirely valid. What they did not have was the confidence in themselves to look through Baez’ firestorm of bullshit to a conviction. I believe a younger jury would have nailed her.

Jeff Ashton (the prosecutor) publicly washed his hands of it at the sickmaking newser on her acquittal. The Anthonys claimed the baby was abducted by persons unknown but have never quite explained Casey’s maggot ridden trunk..

I agree. The blow job comment is, as most legal aides will attest, just Basic Pigmouth. I can assure you Baez would have smothered her to death before he allowed her run naked in his office - or talk to the P.I. But it is a common abuse. Against my theory is that Baez would not have risked a Fatal Attraction with a

It is kind of a defense lawyer trope that putting your client on the stand is almost never a good idea unless you have complete control of them and they are excellent performers - to wit, Orenthal Simpson.

She was charged with false information to law enforcement, which is commonly known as perjury - she was sworn before making a statement. I pulled my socks up and looked up my notes and fact checked them, she was charged and convicted of 4 counts of the above, misdemeanor charges which were time served out and the

It passeth the understanding of man, does it not?