
You know, if you ear-equivalent-of-squint, it kind of sounds like it could be a horror movie soundtrack, I’m thinking along the lines of Halloween or The Exorcist. If it weren’t so darn bubbly it might work.

You mean,

He’s chillin’..... AND KILLIN!

In Norway, they don’t call him Batman — he’s called “Nocturnal Beatdown Man” and he lives in a fjord.

director Tomas Alfredson’s last film, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, was nominated for three Oscars

But we got the once in a lifetime treat of two Fassbenders engaging in painful sexual innuendo in Alien Covenant!

i seldom read detective fiction b/c all the detectives seem so much the same - either the tortured, alcoholic or the outrageously unique (ala caleb carr’s “surrender new york”).

I’m very dissapppinted if this movie is as bad as the reviews seem. I’m a huge fan of Nordic Noir, but if North America only gets exposed to it’s most inferior samples (this movie, the awful US remake of The Killing, The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo -OK, but far from the genre’s best), it’s never going to have an

There should be an Inventory list of “worst movie serial killer origins”.

But Batman’s a scientist.

Oh, okay, I’ll take the bait if no one else will...

“Dee Eye-Sage!”

I don’t know. I’m pretty on the fence with this one. Is there a corkboard with yarn connecting clues with suspects? Because I’ll definitely see it if it has that.

Can we put Fassbender in the Worst Best Actor category finally? He’s very good, he just doesn’t make good choices.

Inspector Harry Hole? Hardly even know ‘er.

When you can’t even get through the first two words on the movie’s poster without giggling, that’s not good news for a serious murder mystery. “Mister police...” get the fuck out of here.

I always found Fassbender’s character name in Shame to be very distracting. Who names their kid E. Longated-Cawk?

I’m almost interested in this because the acting talent involved has no business being in a movie of this caliber.

[changes Grindr dislpay name]

This is exactly what I needed today.