
O’Neal snark in Newswires is the only thing giving us hope in this post Kinjapocalypse world.

See, it’s funny because it’s impossible to hold a conversation here.

Good timing on this, because I understand Oliver Stone is gonna fight Sean O’Neal, Uwe Boll-style. Pay-per-View GOLD, Jerry!

You’re thinking of Matthew McConaughy, not Woody Harrelson, and definitely not Woody Harrelson’s dad.

Maybe he just took 248 spacebucks for lunch, gas, and tolls.

“I could go on and on with this subject.”

“Thoroughly Oliver Stone Fashion”?

He has one. He went by Dikachu, but has since given up on the platform.

He has one, he just can’t get out of the grays.

Oliver darling, Mr. O’Neal has never been fashionable. His words are useless! Gobble-gobble-gobble-gobble-gobble! Too much of it, darling, too much! That is why you are here! Now we must talk about the hair. It’s a conspiracy......!

He’d hate being handed his balls daily by our collective intelligence.

Paul Simon comes to mind. The 1st S&G album was ‘64, and the end-date of peak solo Simon is probably Rhythm of the Saints in ‘90. So that’s 26 years. Granted, he wasn’t on top of his game the whole time (the 80's output before Graceland is pretty forgettable, although dude was married to Carrie Fisher for some of

Soon, NBC will be saying “we want our money back — money back — money back.”

I’ve never willingly gone to a Chilis but every time I hear the “Baby Back” jingle I black out and wake up in front a plate of rib bones, my face covered with ketchupy barbecue sauce.

 My brother swore it wasn’t a tarted up Applebee’s. I went. It’s an Applebee’s with southwestern tourist decor.

Chili’s only hires people who are eminently Quallified.

The first thing I thought of was Office Space. Expect lots of flair.

I retroactively love The Who. Actually, these days I really like a lot of classic rock I disdained or ignored in my 80's Depeche Mode etc. phase. I respect/understand more now how damn talented guys like Roger Daltry and Pete Townsend were.

I will be referring to the upcoming Boston winter as “snow-shat” at every opportunity. Marvelous.