
There’s a Compton, Arkansas. It’s basically a gas station, a grocery store, and a handful of farms.

No I haven’t. I understand she speaks in frequencies so high, only dogs can hear her.

Carrey is a brilliant physical performer, but he’s made surprisingly few great comedies. A lot of them are more about the spectacle of his performance than the actual laughs. I’d recommend I Love You Philip Morris for a look at what he can do in a comedy that’s pretty broad, but takes a lot more risks than something

You’ll be back. You’ll allllll be back.

Adam Sandler kind of reminds me a little of latter day Jim Carey. Both have flirted with potential greatness and both at least one or two genuinely brilliant dramatic roles under their belt, but both seem to refuse to actually experiment as a performer and lapse back into old habits. (Or become a weird hobo painter in

Cage is legitimately one of my all-time favorites. Though I don’t always care about range, as mentioned above, I do feel like Cage’s range is underappreciated. There’s not a lot of common ground between his performances in (say) City of Angels, Joe, and The Weather Man.

I think someone needs a Snickers!

SELF Gins-burn!

as my mum always said, two wrongs make a nazi.

Man, oh man, Bethesda’s Facebook page is a veritable bunker of Quisling meltdowns right now and it is fascinating.

More like Harvey Whine-stein, am i right?

Does anyone else want to talk about “Panther Racists”?

I guess the little neo-Nazi snowflakes should steer clear of Inglourious Basterds.

I find it ironic that these assholes haven’t gotten the lesson that video games have been drilling into our heads since the 80's: Nazis are the bad guys. They have always been the bad guys and, if you support them, then you are a bad person.

Before Hef, no one gave a damn about naked women. In fact, they were considered a nuisance at the best of times.

I always liked “Hey, Fucker” on Nickelodeon back in the day.

“I thought I told you to salute those fuckin’ shorts?”

“Given that God is infinite, and that the universe is also infinite...would you like a toasted teacake?”

Important business tip: Never try to run your major corporation like it’s an Andy Kaufman performance piece.