
It’s like all of these supposed Star Trek fans who are complaining about how SJWs caused there to be only one white man on the main cast of Discovery.

Organic webbing is fine; it happens in the comics (sometimes).

Dragnets: How Do They Work?

Now, what needs to happen is a juggalo needs to find the missing evidence that would bring the Russia investigation to a massive conclusion of impeachments and arrests.

Then, Mueller could go up to Shaggy J and be all like “We cool, ninja.”

I think I found a new calling, writing Juggalo fan fic.

If you go to see a Darren Aronofsky, David Lynch and other such directors’ movie and expect an ordinary story, told in a coherent and logical way, you didn’t do your homework.

I personally appreciate the Corman-esque moxie of the cocky, hard-sell approach the marketing campaign is taking, but they had to know that it was setting the movie up for a major backlash with general audiences.

I haven’t seen the movie, but I do know that CinemaScore is the group that regularly gives Happy Madison movies As and Bs, so I wouldn’t read to much into that score.

It’s just a show, you should really just relax—

Another connection that may help explain the inspiration - both Breaking Bad and Rick & Marty are secretly written by Danny Trejo. “Vince Gilligan” and “Dan Harmon” are two of his pseudonyms.

The Ixtra Terrestrial?

But I don’t want land,
I just want…
…to sing

Why would anyone expect a bar to be a good place to meet people? Yes, there are exceptions, but most of the time I go to a bar, it’s too damn loud to get anything resembling a conversation going. Many times, if someone at my table say something and I can’t quite make it out, I’ll just do my best to parrot whatever

I look forward to reading about that in The Onion’s obituary on this schmuck.

Looks like someone had fun with the Saints Row Create-a-character mode!

He will be tragically killed trying to explain to an oncoming subway car that he’s not interested in having sex with it.

Can’t wait for the HAL 9000 origin series!

I can think of two things wrong with this

“There’s only so much you can do with a burger”

Pretty haughty accusations for somebody who eats house cats.

This science fiction film uses fictional science! It’s an outrage!