
Two great movie references! We must now become best friends.

They DID get a big chuckle from me for making the last line of the episode, uttered by the Terror, literally, “Cliffhanger!”

Yeah, me not crazy about previous week’s Sansa/Arya scene, but from moment Sansa say “me slow to learn, but me do learn,” me was satisfied with story arc. Littlefinger played Sansa for so long, and she eventually learned his tricks and used them against him. That terrific story beat, even if it took few bumps in road

Honestly, me loved reveal of “how you answer for crimes... Lord Baelish?!?” That was well done. It scene where Arya talk about taking Sansa’s face off like Nicolas Cage and John Travolta that not really work for me. There had to be different way to write that scene that make Arya seem less psychotic.

I thought his full name was Brandon Exposition-Dump Stark, though.

I’m going to have to go back and watch the last few episodes of season SIX because I honestly can’t remember why Littlefinger was still hanging around Winterfell. I get that he declared himself for the Starks but why Sansa and Jon kept him around even though they knew he was a conniving little shit made no sense to me.

Serafinowicz’s Kevin Spacey is so brilliant. He adds just a hint of editorial - he seems to highlight how lazy Spacey’s schtick has gotten, and it’s subtle but it’s there...

All they had to do was have a couple scenes where Arya and Sansa “argue” in public or at least in the vicinity of where Littlefinger was listening, have a couple scenes where the Starks discuss their plans or whatever, etc. But instead they felt the need to have Arya act OOC and have this nonsense Arya vs. Sansa

Did no one think they were playing Littlefinger right from the moment he saw Arya sneak into his room?

Every time we saw Littlefinger outdoors doing any kind of scheming, there were crows everywhere. If they weren’t visible in the shot, they were audible. Bran was watching him, probably ever since he handed Bran

Thanks for the heads up about the Wall getting knocked down, Bran! Doing a heck of a job!

Ask Jeeves/the Three Eyed Raven?

It was very out of character for him to totally break and not at least demand a trial.

Qyburn disappeared into his chambers with the zombie arm and a big jar of lotion, so in any case he’s currently occupied.

Littlefinger should have kept his cool and instead of trying to answer the charges directly, said, “My lady, I cannot prepare a defense under these circumstances. If I am to be charged with crimes, I must be granted a fair trial, must I not?” and then he’d at least have bought himself some time. Openly admitting that

I like him as a CHARACTER, so I’m excited to read the books after I catch up on the show, but Snidely Whiplash is pretty much spot on. Maybe he got lost and confused after they built some more sets and didn’t have to have every scene happen at his brothel.

Ah, I see you’ve managed to kill Littlefinger, but what about his other four accents?

Cersei being a petty piece of shit even facing legends is my favorite thing about her.

Not a big Melvillle crowd here, huh? Uh well yeah he's not an easy read.

God dammit, Bartleby, having sex with crazy people is right there in your job description! What did you think "scrivener" meant?

"Submitted for your approval, one Todd VanDerWerff, a man who makes his living offering his opinions on the work of TV writers, unconcerned with the pain and anguish he causes with his grades of "C" and "D" that he dishes out like so much alphabet soup.  But one New Year's Eve, when he ignored the annual marathon of