
Where’s her spear and magic helmet?!

Me too. It’s one of the reasons I don’t want to see a Spaceballs sequel. It wouldn’t be the same without him playing Barf(olomew).

Black Mirror has great concepts, however it has the tendency to beat you over the head with the message.

Conformist Without A Cause!

Sometimes I stick to story when playing Fallout games. And sometimes I spend my time seeing how many blown up cars it takes to dismember me.

Whiskey Sour, aka The Dorothy Parker Breakfast Special.

Oooh, just like my psychic said!!

Now playing

This is one of my Halloween rituals here in New England:

I’d like to think there’s a planet somewhere, without wars or Kinja or obsessions with Internet traffic accidents...

Not having emotions makes me very sad...

Can you feel me near you?!

“Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?!”

Bosoms, melons, milk factories, busts, fun bags, knockers, boobies, jugs, nipples, jubblies, STONKING GREAT TITS!

Mars is amaaaaazinnnggg...Mars is amaaaaaaaaziiiiiing....

The original. I saw theremake.

Every detective movie needs a Wall of Craziness!

Pieces, directed by the man who brought us Pod People.

I will have to watch that now

It sounds like the subject of a Lonely Island song.