
It begins with M and ends in Oney

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I’m American and I watch that every Christmas. I love the song so much! However, I did laugh my ass off at this:

Aka the subject of a Bernard Black children’s story!


I know! Work has been stressful lately. Laughing at bad movies is a great way to de-stress (and why I’m a MST3K/Rifftrax fan).

Batman, you always play scientist with us!

There once was a hole from Norway

Monty Python cast members?

The script was written by Mrs. Conway’s Kindergarten class!

Ho-leh Mo-leh!

I hear his Batcave is made of good Norwegian wood


Well, obviously you don’t have to.....

I read that as Mister Meeseeks...

She’ll give you the 611 on what’s cool, yo!

‘I’m straight outta Compton, yo!”

Also Mariah Carrey

“I thought he was ‘with it’?”

Agreed, however I love Grandma’s Boy. Not for Nick, but for everything else that was friggin’ hysterical.

I loved him as Andy Kaufmann in Man On The Moon. Carrey was a perfect choice.