Tobias Lehigh Nagy

For a living thing? That you’re going to have for 15+ years?! So, that’s $16/month of joy and companionship? Seems like a bargain to me. The cost of literally one month of rent for more than decade of friendship.

Wasabi was crowned a KKK Prince as a puppy. Here’s my thinkpiece column based on 5 seconds of Twitter feed research.

Wasabi would like to speak to the manager.

My sister insists on purebreds.  They’re a status symbol for her.  Meanwhile both dogs she’s had (yorkies) have had short lifespans, major medical issues, and were just kind of mean, weird little things.  Also they very likely came from puppy mills.  I really really wish she’d get a rescue, but she’s basic.  Painfully

Want a dog? Great, get a mutt. I would never, ever get a purebreed, and kind of give the stink-eye to anyone who lists owning one as an ambition.

Awww, another of the good columns goes down.

the Indiana Jones Cannon

Not any that Sam Barsanti, the hackiest hack ever is on that is for sure.

There may come a day when someone haughtily reaching into the non-film bodies of work to prove a point will correctly spell “canon,” but it is not this day.

I miss the days before fans were obsessed with what is or not canon within a fictional universe. It left popular fiction open to so much more intrepretation, especially with a line like “I was a child”. Now, we are forced to consider whether a fictional character, whose in-universe timeline goes back almost 90 years,

That’s exactly how I took it. I found out later that Lucas had apparently envisioned her being 15 at the time, which is creepy and wrong (why, George, why?), but I’ll cling to my head canon with all my might.

Would you please stop being so damned reasonable?

Being a justice oriented person - and understanding that we all have privilege and blind spots we carry around with us, I have to admit I’m getting a bit fed up with some of the AV Club’s editorial decisions.

You know I immediately regret clicking on this article. I did not want to know this. 

I would watch this show.

Yeah, I saw someone comment that “at the very least, she participated in a racist and classist organization.”  I was like, “What, America?”  

I was literally watching The Critic on Crackle yesterday. Wow.

He killed her with a ridiculously good deal on a cell plan and a bottle of gin!

I so wanted a completely obvious dummy to fall from the attic opening, hanged by the neck, followed by: Fin.