Tobias Lehigh Nagy


Seth Green probably did, yes. It wasn’t much later when he started making appearances on Carson, and he would fucking kill in his repartée with Carson.  He was a quick-witted, smartassed kid who talked like an adult, and he went over big. Carson loved him and would have him back on regularly.  He was probably an

What made the original Fletch work so well was that every smartass Chase quip was funny as shit and memorable. Just off the top of my head: “He’ll be back, he went out for his urinalysis.” “I’ll have a steak sandwich. And a steak sandwich, please.” “Come in the bedroom and I’ll fill you in.” “Comanche Indian.”

Exactly. This is how fucking prequels work. It’s about fan service, and catering to fans of the movies and books who just wanna see the introduction of Gandalf greatly outweighs the needs of hardcore Tolkien enthusiasts for everything to stay true to the texts.

There’s no way the Stranger isn’t Gandalf. Of course he’s Gandalf. I’m not steeped in Middle-earth lore, having only read the two main books, and not remembering much about the history and timeline of events outside those stories, but from what I understand Gandalf’s kind didn’t arrive in Middle-earth until the

Yeah, I wasn’t sure if he was still in stir or not, and I don’t remember the guy’s name, and definitely didn’t feel like expending energy looking it up.

Even now, that T-Rex chasing the jeep in the original looks real as shit. They cheated by the benefit of it being at night and in the rain, but damn that was impressive CGI work for nearly 30 years ago.

Does everybody hate Chris Pratt now? I guess not, since they keep letting him star in movies, but it just seems like it. I still have warm memories from Everwood and Parks and Recreation, so I try not to think about his religious shit.

‘Tis true. The others can be entertaining, but there’s only one Jurassic Park. Fortunately the herd of sequels and sequels upon sequels doesn’t make the original any less awesome.

That looks like a Calvin & Hobbes Sunday strip. Which is a comic, of course, but when you said “comics” I assumed you meant comic books.

Of course they had to recast Dodgson, the original actor was convicted of grooming and fucking underage girls or something, right?

It’s pretty clear that Owens is severely compromised, but essentially decent and genuinely guilt-stricken for what’s being done to El. He’s the yang to Brenner’s yin. I don’t think he’ll do an Aliens heel-turn, and will ultimately take the good-guy path.

And now Clint Eastwood is talking to it!

From your lips to god’s (or the Universe’s or the Fates’ or whatever’s) ears

Well, she is the worst.

I can’t read the phrase “Power Stone” without hearing “WELCOME TO THE POWER STONE WORLD!” in my head.

Ivan Reitman?  More like Ivan Wrongman.  For this project anyway.

Ah, the good ol’ days.

“Aged into”…?

I haven’t seen The Comey Rule, but Shattered Glass and Breach were both great, do it makes me hold out hope that this would at least be watchable.