Hulk being overjoyed to finally have PERMISSION to smash is the greatest thing.
Hulk being overjoyed to finally have PERMISSION to smash is the greatest thing.
Spider-Man 2 and The Avengers are the two major superhero movies that everyone loves and I just can’t stand. Starting with that corny “There’s only one God, ma’am!” line from Captain America and ending with Loki calling Black Widow the old timey version of “whiny cunt”... everything about The Avengers made my teeth…
There were at least half a dozen times in the theater during Avengers that the whole crowd was just electrified and totally on the same page with how awesome what we were seeing was. Off the top of my head:
I’ll watch Annie Murphy in any show that has a modified swear word in the title.
*Thor, confused* Why did you say that name?
Poor Cena, why didn’t he just assault a young women rather than something as atrocious as acknowledging a country is a country.
I think it’s going to depend heavily on era. Silver Age Superman is a grab bag of random-ass powers, including whatever he needs to get him out of the current jam. Thorfather is nearly omnipotent. Even as their “regular” versions, defined as their rough power levels averaged across the last forty years, they both have…
It depends on Superman’s power limit. If he is his stereotypically invincible self, then Clark would win, simply because he’d be too fast for Thor to land a hit.
As depicted in the recent DCEU and MCU respectively? Superman, probably. As depicted, he’s much faster and stronger than Thor and can take more punishment. On the other hand, we can assume (based on what he did to Thanos) that if Thor can get in one good swing with Stormbreaker, he could decapitate Superman.…
“The Hulk actor’s...”
The only way it could make sense is this convoluted logic: if the celebrities knew fully well he was an abuser, decided to work with him anyway because his company was so financially solid and dependable, but then it turned out the company wasn’t actually solid and it went bankrupt, screwing them over? So it’s like,…
but always the heroes will win in the long run, or the sequel. And this just doesn’t cut it for me.
Hulk was as self-serious as Batman v Superman, but not as self-important as Dark Night Rises...Ang Lee just isn’t very good at fun.
I miss Sean O’Neal...
Yeah, let’s compile a list of American companies with heartless, predatory executives, so that we can tell every one of their employees that, no matter what bad thing might happen to them, they had it coming.
The guy’s name is Billy and it is fairly obvious that John is the actual killer (he is likely in the picture given to the Chief.
I dunno man.
As great as Tilda Swinton is in everything, they should’ve hired an Asian actor, like Emma Stone or Scarlett Johansson.
“This decision was part of Haase’s larger work to increase Pokémon card value by legitimizing the market through tactics like introducing card-grading and authentication to the hobby,”