Tobias Lehigh Nagy

That's the longest Cameron has ever talked to a woman without cheating on his wife with her.

No, I'm sure there are other idiots like you.

As a middle-aged consumer of pop culture I am pleased to see Mark Hamill getting respect and veneration. He went through some wilderness years casting-wise, for sure, after the original trilogy was over. I’m sure there’s some back story there, but it seems like this is a better time to be a performer in general. There

Personally, I feel like if someone had been recognized with three Medal of Honors, graduated West Point with honors, studied at MIT, etc. .... they would understandably be a little arrogant? How would it not all go to your head? That is what made Steve Rogers so special- he was a living superman, but he never lost his

That new Dalek redesign is terrible.

too shoon

The original script actually did had them get back together, but several cast and crew members were themselves divorced and petitioned to have it changed as they didn’t want to give false hope to children of broken homes.

Also, a sign that you’ve passed into adulthood is when you realize that Sally Field was 100% in the right to dump that immature jackass.

The R and NC-17 cuts are his goddamn kids too.

I have to agree. The MCU introduced Monica as a real character in WandaVision (yes, she technically appeared in Captain Marvel, as a young child with no agency and barely any plot relevance), and then tried to make us care that she got superpowers a few episodes later. It didn’t work for me because they didn’t let us

I don’t know. I know a lot of us are trying to guess what happens next but I don’t think a lot of us are “mad” we got it wrong. Honestly I’m almost happier to be wrong because that means the show did something I did not predict. 

Never realized people were so divided on Wolf til I started reading some posts today. I for one loved him, but it's been over 10 years since I read it.

Well, eventually the MCU will contain all actors, living or dead, as it expands forever across the media landscape. 

Can’t wait to see who they cast as Wolf. The Jack / Wolf dynamic is the heart of the book and will be a major key to the success of the show.

Honestly? I hope they NEVER bring mutants into the MCU proper. Keep them as their own separate thing. Of course, they probably WILL bring them in eventually.

Give Nick Offerman that damn shield.

Check out my new social network, Schdnfrd, which will allow only posts expressing no sympathy for assholes who suffer.

What was it John Saxon said in Enter the Dragon? “That woman looks like she could teach you some things about yourself....” That’s always been my take on Allison Janney.

“Ion”? That’s quite a negative charge you’re making.

Haven’t they learned anything from the Simpsons about saying the quiet part loud and the loud part quietly?