Tobias Lehigh Nagy

I think we are official hitting the point where the movie Idiocracy actually is about a smarter future then what we got  

If Twitter really gave a shit about “the public interest” they would have banned him years ago.

Yeah, these guys:

Movies should only be about nice people!

So it’s a documentary?

Barack needs to listen to some SLAYER.

We must go forwards, not backwards! Upwards, not forwards! And always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom!

And when Ellen looked down, there was only one set of footprints.

We all lie in the bed we make, but sometimes that bed is a road. And so instead we end up walking where we sleep. But if we don’t like where we are going, its time to have a different dream. For Ellen, its time for her to wake up, into a new dream, where she can lie down, and walk her own path.

Has Twitter actually ever destroyed anything beyond a reasonable person’s will to live?

...I just remembered I have a VGA-to-HDMI cable as part of the teleworking kit my office gave me months ago!

You know I would love a nice 10 minute video about this house, with some history and maybe a tour.

When they said they’re gonna drain the swamp of DC, this is not what I had in mind.

Wasn’t even 20 years ago when AOL TimeWarner began to unravel and was hit with its first round of layoffs. Looks like AT&T is doing its best to repeat AOL’s mistakes.

Wow, her dad sounds like the worst parent since that “Abducted in Plain Sight” doc

When I wanted to do the rape scene, I explained to [Mara Lorenzio] that I was going to hit her and rape her. There was no emotional relationship between us, because I had put a clause in all the women’s contracts stating that they would not make love with the director. We had never talked to each other. I knew

“That is not what rape victims do.”

The song isn’t awful. I really like him on Succession too. BUT, is there anything more douchey hipster than the beanie, scarf and tank top combination?

Republicans: The invisible hand of the free market is never wrong!

“Look at my African-American Lizard/Demon Fighter over there!”