Tobias Lehigh Nagy

Did he literally brag to his friends that he was going to shoot someone? I followed the case fairly closely, but not super closely, and that’s not something I’ve heard. It seems like that would have been pretty damaging to his case if it was known that beforehand he was going around crowing about the opportunity to

Name misspellings have become de rigeur around here.

If someone says “No one respects women more than me,” it’s a safe bet they’re among the bottom 10% of women-respecters.

Man, Murray is still nursing that grudge against Ramis, isn’t he?

I actually thought he looked thinner than he’s looked for the past ten years or so.

The first Lethal Weapon is the only one I have on regular rotation (once a year at Christmastime, along with Die Hard), and I haven’t seen II, III, and IV in ages. I know II is the South Africans, right? I think III was the one with “cop killer bullets,” but I can’t remember who the bad guys were. Was IV the one

“Remember, Peter, with great dong comes great responsibility.”

I know I’m a Simpsons fan because I read “Future Kang,” my brain immediately went, “Who’s playing Kodos?” even though I knew full well Jonathan Majors is playing Kang the Conqueror. If I hear “Kang the Conqueror,” I go, “Yes, know that Marvel character,” but if it’s just “Kang” my brain automatically goes to “and

That was fun to read. I’m not a Harry Potter superfan; I read each of the books once, and that was enough, but I’ll watch the movies when I come across them on cable, and I’ve been introducing my kids to them on family movie night. I found myself agreeing with pretty much every point in this piece, except I thought

Gee, I wonder if this will have someone making a cautionary speech that comments upon our current world with perfect 20/20 foresight?

Good god, what a load of crap this piece was from first capital letter to last punctuation mark.  I know, I know, why should I expect anything better now?

Is it gauche to ask if Joe did the interview in character as “Joe Pera”?

I’m not familiar with this case, but based on this review, it sounds pretty similar, i.e., a therapist who has an inordinate amount of control over the life and finances of his client, as in the case of Brian Wilson and Dr. Eugene Landy.

Ron was whatever Rowling needed to be at the time in order to make the story go where she wanted it to go. So if she needed him to be pettily jealous of Harry’s notoriety to stoke up some drama for a while, then he was that. It’s one of her greatest weaknesses as a writer, and something that repels me about YA

He’s more dick now than man.

The book is one of my favorites, so it’s wonderful to hear you say that. I’ve had high hopes since I heard Campion was making an adaptation.

The book is great, and I’m glad to see that it looks like the film is up to the same caliber.

It’s not really a “Western” (I’m basing this on the book, haven’t seen the movie), but more of a character study that happens to have a Western setting, like Hud or The Misfits. And it’s the 1920s, so it’s not like it’s the “Old West.”

I completely forgot about that whole controversy. Maybe it won’t be released in China, but make no mistake that The Eternals was made with an eye squarely on the Chinese market (Shang-Chi as well). Of course, I’m not saying they shouldn’t make these films, just that I have a cynical outlook as to their reasons, becau

The difference is that with the Avengers you already gave a fuck about them as individual heroes, at least for the core group. With the Eternals, I have zero reason to give a fuck about them either individually or as a group.