Tobias Lehigh Nagy

It’s really much more mercenary than that. You get a name director of Chinese descent and sprinkle a few actors of Chinese or South Asian descent in the cast, and you find yourself doing much better in the already hyuuuge Chinese market. As talented a filmmaker as Zhao is, I doubt they give one solitary fuck about

That sounds like a crock of shit.  “Put the guns in a drop box so we won’t get Covid.”  “Hell no you can’t re-inspect the weapons, are you crazy?  You want us to all die of Covid?!”  I’m not saying it didn’t happen, but I’m betting the source is suspect.

I don’t hate Forrest Gump the movie as much as I used to. It’s grown on me over the years, but I’m still not overly fond of it.

Oh god, I haven’t seen that in close to 40 years, but it still remember it.  Didn’t Hanks pretend that the snake bit him and then he died?  

The sequel book did suck. I liked that it kind of went the meta route and was a direct sequel to the book, but acknowledged that there was a film adaptation starring Mr. Tom Hanks, but it just wasn’t good.

The situations were ridiculous, but I recognized it as an over-the-top satirical farce.

That’s true, a lot of it is based on expectations. If I had seen the movie first I would probably dislike the book. And you’re spot-on about Candide, I read it a couple years later and was like, “Forrest Gump totally ripped this off!”

I remember seeing advertisements for Mazes & Monsters at the time, but I wasn’t able to watch it for some reason. I think my mom watched it, though, which is why when my best friend brought over Dungeons & Dragons to a sleepover, she was intensely worried that I would freak out and jump out a window or something in

When I was ten years old my favorite actor was Tom Hanks, solely due to my favorite show, Bosom Buddies, and I basically followed his career from minor TV actor to megastar. When I was sixteen, my favorite book was Forrest Gump (this would have been about ‘86, ‘87), and I always said “They need to make a movie out of

I was about to say, “Wait, there was only one villain in that movie, unless you count all of Mysterio’s hench-people,” but then I realized I was thinking of Far From Home. They really should have adopted a different naming convention for those Spider-Man movies, the titles are getting getting too same-y.

He should just sell them on eBAAAAYYYYYY!

I idolized the Fonz as a kid too. And later on I grew to admire Winkler as an actor. I mean, this short, sort of nebbishy Jewish guy can make the entire world see him as the coolest I-talian greaseball who ever lived. That’s acting. The fact that he’s just a decent guy in general is just icing on the cake

There’s one over by Circuit City.

Or Johnny Paycheck.

if I worked at a pizzeria with Andy Samberg and Joaquin Phoenix, I’d quit too.

[Scott Pilgrim’s] best music sequence, however, involves Japanese experimental pop artist Cornelius, who created the music of the Katayanagi Twins

“It has been previously confirmed that Gutierrez Reed and Halls were the last to inspect and handle the prop gun…”

I have now dubbed this entire debacle “Rustomon”.

Doctor Strange I really quite enjoyed, probably more than most people. I like it better than any of the Iron Man movies, even the first one (Avengers, Infinity War, and Endgame are my favorite Iron Man movies.

You mean 9-Millimeter Woman?  It was okay.