Tobias Lehigh Nagy

Sometimes I forget how hilarious he can be not saying anything at all.

Hopefully that first jab will help to keep the symptoms to a minimum.  Stay well!

They do, but it’s called Scare Day, and Han has to get Chewie home in time to celebrate it with his family.

That was in the script? I didn’t know that. In any case, I always assumed that Ben had his reasons, such as the Force told him to, or the Force told Yoda and then Yoda told him. The fate of the galaxy was at stake! The outcome of that was more important than whether Ben told Luke the absolute truth about his

I think the editing is supposed to be jarring. They basically copied the dogfight scenes from WWII air-battle movies like Hellcats of the Navy. It’s in the middle of a battle, it’s supposed to be a little disorienting, but at no point do you not know what’s going on. It’s obvious who the good guys and bad guys are,

I remember reading the Marvel comics series, which took the story off to all sorts of non-canon directions.  Didn’t give a fuck, it was Star Wars, and I had no idea what “canon” was.

what on earth is happening here?

It really wasn’t much if a romance; a peck for luck and a no-tongue 3-second kiss that was mainly intended to piss Han off? And it’s pretty obvious that Luke’s just an infatuated kid with a case of puppy love, and that Leia’s into Han and has more sisterly feelings towards Luke, although she’s aware of Luke’s

Some of the scenes that were cut from the film show that Luke was hanging out with Koo Stark. “Power converters,” my ass, I know why Luke wanted I get to Toshi Station.

Yeah, but I don’t want to be rubbing my anus around my face, either. But as for washcloths, don’t want ‘em, don’t need ‘em, I get plenty clean without ‘em, I don’t have to deal with a nasty, wet ass-cloth or a nasty, stiff, dried-out ass-cloth later, and that’s less laundry that has to get done. The use of

That’d be me. The way I see it, my hands can be washed with soap, and soap itself is self-cleaning. Not trying to be gross, but a washcloth that gets the slightest bit of fecal matter on it has to go in the washing machine on hot. I’ve nearly walked face-first into a washcloth that someone who showered before me

Now playing

Brazilian jiu-jitsu…is that like capoeira?

I was going to say that I would gladly lick her clean, but I was afraid that would come off as creepy.  It pretty much did, didn’t it?

So this is not a sequel to Almost Famous. Color me disappointed.

Not sure I get what you’re going for here. Anderson does have a habit of using non-actors in small roles, but I can’t think of a single bad performance in Rushmore, and the main cast is outstanding. #teamwes

He was right about one thing, though, she can’t act for shit. Dick move to just come out and say it in front of everyone, though.

He also seems like a healthy, clean living sort of guy.  Probably just the damned desert heat got to him.

U-S-A!  U-S-A!  U-S-A!

That sizable percentage of the population—what is it, 40%?—is lost. Ten percent of those might change their tune once they’re personally affected, but for the most part these people have made up their minds, and nothing’s going to move them.

Ghostbusters just had so many cool little moments that are nothing on paper, but they make me laugh out loud. Like the line in the elevator about having unlicensed nuclear accelerators on their backs, and when Ray’s is turned on, Egon nervously edges further and further away. Or when Venkman says to Janine. “Don’t