Tobias Lehigh Nagy

I hope that frog doesn’t get

That was what I came here to say.

Yeah, that’s why I said “briefly.” I saw the thing about this show and then the thing about Patton’s podcast just a moment later, but at the time I wasn’t able to read either one because Kinja was making my browser crazy. So yeah, I did wonder if they were related until a bit later when I was able to read further.

I ignored it so hard that I hadn’t even heard of it until just now. It sounds dreadful, and I can only imagine how badly it’s written.

My brother-in-law and his wife have two cats, and I’ve spent a good deal of time at their house, and I’ve never seen either of the fucking things, ever.

In that case, his behavior is understandable.  He’s got to preserve the Cat People bloodline at all cost!

Well, I wouldn’t say it was “weird,” but I heard about his podcast just moments after seeing this piece, so it made me wonder briefly if they were related.

Solution: Say to previous guest Norm Macdonald. “Hey, why don’t you stick around for a while?”

This much is obvious.

He’s just my friend, man. You can’t kiss your friends a little without people trying to twist into something ugly like homosexuality, which is beautiful?

I don’t know what the fuck he was trying to say there because it makes so little sense, but yeah, nothing would have been a lot better.

DODGSON! DODGSON!  WE’VE GOT DODGSON HERE!  See, nobody cares.  Nice hat.  What, are you trying to look like a secret agent or something?

Wasabi was 19 weeks old, so certainly he was aware of what he was getting into.

In your situation I probably would do the same. I will say, though, that I’ve had purebreds or intentional mixes that I bought from breeders, and mutts I rescued and didn’t even know what the hell they were, and the rescue mutts were better dogs with more lovable personalities and fewer health problems.

I paid over $2000 and would have paid $3000 to save the life of the best and sweetest little dog I ever had (a mixed-breed mutt we rescued from a shelter for $200) after a near-fatal reaction to Trifexis (still commonly used, but I won’t let a vet use it on any of my dogs), but the idea of purchasing a dog for 2 or

Gee, I dunno, person-who-paid-$3000-for-a-goddamn dog. I hope they threw in the monocle for free.

Now that you mention it, I’ve noticed that a lot of the time when I switch from the HBO Max app to one of the other inputs (usually DirecTV), the sound doesn’t work. I have to do a hard reset of the TV by unplugging it since my TV doesn’t have a reset or power off that I know of (power off button just goes to

He still believes.

Square Enix’s Protectors of the Cosmos

Ah, establish trust for five years and then whack him.  You’re insidious!