Tobias Lehigh Nagy

Are they sure it wasn’t his twin brother who co-starred with him in The Social Network?

Christ Evans = The Holiest Chris

Terrible press, but mainly due to the yellow journalism of J. Jonah Jameson. And I’m mainly referring to the movies, where he’s a populist hero that the people rally behind.

It’s been too long for me, and I have no memory of that. That said, being kicked in the balls can be quite nightmarish

You know he’s worthy.

I would like for Agatha to show up now in more of a Loki-like role. Now that she’s free of the Darkhold (like Loki was freed from the influence of the Tesseract) and humbled, she could return to being a sort of chaos agent/occasional ally/mentor, someone you maybe can’t entirely trust, but who can be helpful when it

Sure, Hayward’s motivations weren’t that different than Fury’s for appropriating Tesseract energy to build weapons—to have a bigger club than the other guy—and Fury is unquestionably a “good guy,” even if he’s made some mistakes and overreached his bounds. But Hayward’s also an asshole—the way he presented the

The absence of mutants doesn’t bother me, because they bring anti-mutant sentiment storylines with them as part and parcel, and I had enough of that shit in the X-Men movies.

I read it back in like 1985, so my memories are faint, but I remember loving Wolf. And I remember the villain being terrifying. There was one part where I think Jack and Wolf are hiding in the woods at night while the villain is riding in a coach, and as he rides by he turns and looks right towards them with his

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I honestly thought that was Bob Mould for a second.

Seriously? They played husband and wife in Junoand they were both great.

He seemed so nice on The Wonder Years.

I’ve always found her sexy, and her new short-haired kind of Jamie Lee Curtis silver fox look is really doing it for me.

Jimmy Bond, Junior Secret Agent

Yes, it has been noted how fucked up that is.

He just said what they’re all thinking.

Exactly! It’s fucked up!

I guess now is as good as any to dust off my idea for a dark reboot of The Cosby Show called The Huxtables, in which, upon the death of their beloved obstetrician patriarch, Cliff Huxtable’s family discovers that he had been serially raping dozens, if not hundreds, of his patients for decades, and was actually the

That warehouse scene in Batman v Superman really made me wish they could have given Affleck some better movies to be Batman in, because the costume looked great, and it exemplified my favorite kind of Batman: the kind who busts in on a large group of armed bad guys and just FUCKS THEM UP.