Tobias Lehigh Nagy

I don’t even bother to ask anymore.

Great, seeing Frankie Muniz next to a dog is giving me a My Dog Skip flashback. Thanks for making me cry, AV Club.

First Donald Trump is no longer president, then I find out The Muppet Show is coming to a streaming service I have.

One of my oldest and best friends is a mortician, or actually a funeral director. I’ve asked him why, and he just said it was just “a calling,” I guess sort of like the priesthood.  Years ago I made a joke that it was because he was a necrophiliac, and he did NOT think that was funny.

Oh man, I loved Emperor’s Tomb. It was like a Tomb Raider game but more realistic (no unlimited ammo—you run out, you find more or you grab another gun, a table leg, or a shovel). It was so satisfying, being out of bullets and with a couple of Nazis with Sten machine guns aimed at you, and you use your whip to

“I asked her, ‘Are you dead?’ and she said ‘Yes.’  I guess I just wasn’t thinking.”

JoJo Siwa is inappropriate for all ages.

2021 is just 2020 sped up and set to “Yackety Sax”.

Remember when something similar happened to Tom Petty? They said he was dead, everyone was in mourning, then they said, “No, wait, he’s still alive!” and everyone was hopeful of his recovery, then a little while later they said, “Okay, he’s actually dead now for real.”

I didn’t think it was that bad, but found it aggressively, aggressively mediocre.  I felt the same way about the first one.

I feel like he probably would.

I watched AOTC today because I hadn’t seen it in forever. I couldn’t bring myself to watch TPM because any way you slice it, it was atrocious. AOTC wasn’t as terrible, and although I didn’t hate it as much as I used to, it definitely wasn’t good. I still yell at C-3PO, “GAH, JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!” after he makes

I think that hit the nail on the head. What Pedro Pascal played very well was Mando’s extreme discomfort and feeling of vulnerability. It wasn’t so much that he was in the lion’s den, in danger of being found out, but that he was helmetless and exposed in front of people. To him it would have to be similar to the

I dunno, ask Rosemary.

Uh, because he’s both historically and culturally significant?

Never seen it, and in fact had never heard of it before, but I have no doubt that it is woefully unfunny.

Not a word about the death of Chuck Yeager, but let’s make sure everyone’s got the latest news on the so-called monoliths.

I know, just when I think I couldn’t adore Paul Dooley any more, I find out that he created The Electric Company, probably the most significant signpost of my childhood development. I was already a little too old for Sesame Street when I discovered you could change the UHF dial on a TV to find other stations, and

She’ll probably be replaced. Is Donna Cheadle available?

Coincidentally, Dave Thomas inseminated every 100th hamburger.