Tobias Lehigh Nagy
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Holy shit, he was almost Bill S. Preston, Esq.

Thinking back on all the little roles I’ve seen Gary Riley in in various movies, he always seemed to play a version of the same feckless stoner/slacker/teenage ne’er-do-well, but he was always great. It’s too bad he quit acting.

No Dean Cameron and Gary Riley, no deal.

Last night we watched the Planes, Trains & Automobiles cleaned-up TV version (with commercials) that I DVR’d last year. My 6 and 10-year-old probably hear the F-word in our household nearly as many times a day as Steve Martin said it in his famous diatribe, but might as well go through the motions of being a

Cheer up, Faizon, no matter what happens, those yearly Elf residuals are about to start rolling in.

I mean, come on, guys...

I should have gone with Jon Voight, but I just didn’t think of him.

I’m guessing you’re a Libertarian. Thank you very much for those crucial non-Trump votes in swing states.  I make it a point to offer my sincere thanks to every Libertarian I meet. Sincerely, thank you.

That’s why I said “I wonder.” I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt because he’s Kurt Russell.

I’m out there, Jerry, and I’m lovin’ it, man, L-O-V-I-N.

Christians are people too! At least I’m pretty sure!

He’s earned enough goodwill over the course of his career for me to say “Okay, fair enough, Kurt,” and move on. But what bugs me about his stance is that when people say about actors and musicians that they should should shut up about politics and just stick to their jobs of entertaining people, it usually means

This combines two of my favorite things, ass-kicking Amazon babes and not leaving my house.

Yes, sleeves rolled up and chomping on a cigar. Maybe that’s more J. Jonah Jameson, but it still works. With a bit of Superman TV show Perry White thrown in.

You know what, he’s welcome to run in 2024. His age is creeping up on him fast, and at his weight he’s probably going to be so decrepit he can barely walk four years from now, and I doubt COVID did him any favors.

You know how I know the story’s bullshit?  He “pulled out” his MAGA hat.  People who wear MAGA hats don’t take them off to eat in a restaurant.

Yes, exactly!  I hate going off on something that talented people undoubtedly put a lot of effort into, but just from an execution standpoint, it looks cheap.

Ah, thanks for that. I figured I was technically incorrect and there was another, more appropriate term for the technique they used. Whatever they call it, it still looks like ASS.

I assumed that Giuliani is the Biggles in this Spanish Inquisition sketch, bringing the wrong kind of “rack,” and Trump is Cardinal Ximenez. “I know, I wasn’t going to say anything, I was just trying to ignore your crass mistake! Go on, just pretend for God’s sake!”

“Libbed for her pleasure.”