Tobias Lehigh Nagy

You’re killing your father, Larry!

That suit didn’t even look like it was tailored to him, it looked like a fat guy went into a big and tall shop because he needed a suit for a wedding, found the only one that sort of fit and said “I guess that’s good enough.”

I just noticed that he pronounces Russia similarly to how he pronounces China. “Rush-ya.”  I think he has “de-mench-ya.”

The Trouble with Charlie should have been good, because if I had to pick a director to make a remake of Charade, I would have picked Demme. Who better to combine a light romantic comedy with a thriller that veers into some really dark, chilling places? He’s the guy who directed Something Wild and Married to the Mob

And that fight scene with George Kennedy on the rooftop is really well choreographed.  And what a great line to end on.  “Where’s Scobie?”  “I left him hanging around the American Express.”

I had to rewind it. “Did he just say ‘Good’?” I was actually sort of disappointed that he didn’t, because what a shitstorm that would have been.  But let’s not go making phony shitstorms by pretending that’s what we heard him say, because the president legitimately says plenty of other things worthy of making

I don’t disagree.

Yes, Ben Mankiewicz talked about that in his introduction when it was shown on TCM recently. I first saw it on TV, but the first copy I owned was a Goodtimes Video VHS tape I bought at the grocery store or somewhere. Charade was one of those you’d always see in the VHS bargain bins in video stores, and it was always

Wait, he’s not back on the Ramtha shit, is he? I thought he got out of that before he found NXIVM?  But if he can get suckered into that, I guess he can get suckered into anything, even twice.

Norm Macdonald as Oscars host.  I would watch the shit outta that.

Yes!  That’s the one joke I remember besides the awful “Uma, Oprah” bit, but it was a good one.  You just have to imagine Arnold saying it.

Yep, she was great. My family was generally quiet and reserved, so that scene where Lindsay visited Kim Kelly’s house reminded me of the horror I experienced on those occasions where I visited friends who had dysfunctional families and absolutely didn’t give a shit who they got into a screaming argument in front of.

“Marilyn vos Savant,” there’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time. For some reason I instantly thought of Parade magazine. Didn’t she have a column or something?

Does this mansion have a built-in stu-stu—studio?

Did anybody ever find out if he legit scored 240 on an IQ test? Obviously he’s a smart guy, and at having an answer to everything that turns a person’s words back on them and makes them obsessively examine what’s wrong with them, always them, and not him, he’s a fucking genius.  I’m really not sure how he managed to

I hear ya. I kept hearing references to it being 9 hours long, but it must be some weirdness of the HBO Max app on Android TV, because all along I kept seeing only 8. TrIed to go down to see if there are more, and there was nothing there. So I was like, “Okay, good, there’s only eight.” So we finished up the

This Raniere Dude must have some personal magnetism that only comes through in person, and not onscreen, because watching it I found it hard to believe that all these women were willing to be the sex slaves of this stubby little bearded choad with greasy center-parted hair.

I remember them mentioning something about someone being held captive in a house for two years or something, but I don’t remember anything else being said about it. That seems odd, because if true, that’s a big deal. Maybe it will come out in the follow-up.

I wouldn’t say “boring” because it’s actually rather fascinating, but like someone else said, they Netflixed the shit out of it. They s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d it out so much over 9 episodes, when it could just as easily been told in 4, that it seriously tries one’s patience.

It was only 9, actually, but it would have been better at 4 or 5.