Tobias Lehigh Nagy

Nailed it.

Wayne’s World 2 deep cut there.

I think doubling down on “Here’s a shit-ton of ads. Whaddaya want? It’s free!” is probably their best strategy at this point.

That’s how I got my copy of Frampton Comes Alive!

I’ll only see it if she has a chimpanzee companion and is constantly pursued by a southern sheriff.


My takeaway was that Luke was using some of the arcane Jedi knowledge contained in those old books that Yoda destroyed, and it was something that Kylo Ren had never encountered before and had no reason to think was even a thing.

What I loved about The Force Awakens was the sense that Rey is so Force-sensitive (perhaps aided by the Force-mojo imbued in the Skywalker family lightsaber) that she learns from the Force in real time (like Obi-Wan said, “It guides your actions”). The Force is her teacher, if only instinctively. I think I’ve made

Did Luuke have an Aunt Beruu? “Luu-uuke! Luu-uuke!”

I really don’t think Damian Lewis is physically capable of opening his mouth that wide.

At first I read that as “Vibranium jelly” and thought of it as the super cousin to petroleum jelly. I don’t think I’m ready for that jelly.

Aw, man.

It certainly isn’t.

I gotta know, where did the force lightning come out of, exactly?

I love watermelon in its natural state, but people making salads with it, or grilling it, absolutely disgusts me. And for god’s sake, don’t grill it.  I don’t even like when people put salt on it.  Salt is for sub-standard cantaloupe, people!

Cheesy Jesse Frederick theme song, please.

I’m not saying he wouldn’t have to bulk up...

He just doesn’t look like Namor. They need someone who’s more exotic and otherworldly looking, I think. The first face that popped in my head was Rami Malek’s, who may not be the perfect choice, but is certainly a better one. I think he could project a brooding, regal haughtiness very well.

I actually do like Hawkeye quite a bit, but that probably has more to do with Jeremy Renner’s ace line delivery more than the fact that the character is sort of a regular joe among superpowered godlike beings. But there are plenty of superheroes on the Avengers team that aren’t overly powered, Captain America being a