Tobias Lehigh Nagy

This is a great movie, but fuck if I would ever hire Burt Bacharach to score a western. “Raindrops Keep Fallin’ On My Head” is fine and fits the bicycle scene perfectly, but the “South American Getaway” theme makes me want to claw my goddamn ears off.  But I’m more of a Bob Dylan “Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid”

That’s true, but it still left hope that he could have been reconstituted in some way. Let’s put it this way, they could have if they had wanted to.  The writers, that is.

And then Thanos took his infinity stone and he died, never to come back, and all that hopeful shit about him being a complex matrix of J.A.S.P.E.R., Tony, Bruce, the stone, so maybe the parts that were left would be the best parts...pfft.  Nope, he just died.

Very good, I think you nailed it. Going back to Thor, he is immensely powerful, but they make him compelling by having him battling himself over his failures and dealing with his crisis of confidence and I’m sure they can find similar ways to make Captain Marvel complex.and interesting.

That’s true, I forgot about Vision.

That’s what I was thinking when I read what the daughter said: “Didn’t he have a caretaker that was totally abusing and taking advantage of him?”

I like Brie Larson and Captain Marvel, but the character is somewhat problematic because she’s SO powerful (especially in her final form) that it’s hard to imagine how they would make up interesting challenges for her. Of course, Thor has had the same issue, which why he spent much of his debut movie de-powered, and

And which won the Academy Award in the category of “Best Movie Ever Made”.

Women, they’re just like us!

Somehow they have to make this happen, a series. I imagine Hayley Atwell would be down, but Chris Evans would be a tougher get. He said he wants to direct, so offer him creative control and the ability to direct a certain number of episodes per season.  This needs to happen.

Yes, like a Nick & Nora Charles with espionage and ass-kicking.

When you’re rich as fuck you can do whatever you want.  Where you been?

Hehheh, “Webb.”

In the version in my head, that “superhero-free life” with Peggy actually consists of him and Peggy working at least part-time as covert operatives keeping the world safe and Hydra in check during the Cold War. A life full of happiness because they’re together, but also full of adventure.

The very first thing I ever remember seeing her in was The High Court With Doug Benson, so yes, she will literally be in anything.

Yes, because the most dangerous animal of all.

Some dude named “Sharkey.”

Wow, Stephen Colbert is really proving himself the King of All Things Nerdy in these unplanned, totally unscripted interactions with celebrities on his television show.

Early ‘80s. I remember left-handed kids getting picked on a little bit, but nothing major. I guess every generation of school kids cherry-picks its own preferred scapegoats.