Tobias Lehigh Nagy

Where I live, regarding Waffle House, “where you can find them” = “just close your eyes and throw a rock.”

I think it’s more of a ‘“Great job,” Internet’ in air quotes.

Hey, it’s only Monday.

When this popped up on my Facebook feed I thought it was Clickhole at first. Is pop culture such a parody of itself that it has now become unparodyable?

Ah, FabMan. That’s not where I thought they were going with it.

“King Baudouin. King Baudouin.”

Do I even wanna know what that big F stands for?

People rag on Grohl for his ubiquitousness in music documentaries, but listening to him, you can tell he genuinely loves the music he’s talking about, and you can tell he’s a genuinely nice guy. My wife used to work in a photo store back in the mid-to-late ‘90s in the Northern Virginia/DC area, and Dave Grohl’s mom

Oh, indeed. I was a Conan early adopter, I watched from the beginning when he took over from Letterman, and it was rough because he was soooooo uncomfortable, and I really felt bad for him. But I believed in the show, because the writing and comedy bits were great, even if Conan was shaky in the monologue and

I used to love Robert Smigel’s impression of Bill Clinton on Conan O’Brien, which sounded absolutely nothing like Bill Clinton. And of course it was ten times funnier than Darrell Hammond’s dead-on accurate impression.

He didn’t really “nail” anything, he just captured a truth about the lascivious glee with which Morrison narrates lurid murder stories and turned it up to 1000. It’s like Dana Carvey’s George H.W. Bush impression—it’s not a good impression when looked at purely as an impression, but is nevertheless the best because

Don’t mention the Brass Tax, it ruined my dad’s fixtures business.

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I like Richard Burton as an actor, expecially when he does more subdued roles like in The Spy Who Came In From the Cold, but honestly, my favorite thing about him is Bill Murray’s impression of him in Scrooged.

Am I the only person who thought that was Wil Wheaton at first?

Guess what, pendejo, I was old when the show was still on!

One of my favorite episodes of Justice League Unlimited was the one where Flash teams up with Mister Miracle and Big Barda, and calls Big Barda “Big Bertha.”

Joe Bidan loved it!

Original French title: Une nuit au Roxbury

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Actually, I’ll go yell at the moon like Rory Scovel. I literally do this, by the way.