Tobias Lehigh Nagy

I always ignore the prequels as much as humanly possible.

Well, that was gonna happen anyway.

I’m thinking he is, but it may just be a ghostly presence. Maybe that Death Star ruin at the end is one of those places that are kind of a nexus of Dark Side power, like the cave where Luke has the vision in Empire.  And maybe Palpatine’s spirit hangs out there.

Hell, even Ben Kenobi straight-up lied to Luke about Vader killing his father. And then later, he rationalized it by saying “So what I said was true...from a certain point of view.”  Naw, Ben, you LIED, dude.

I like J.J. too. He’s probably so sick of talking about Star Wars (and before that, Lost) that if I ever got to meet him I would just ask him about working with Mike Nichols and Harrison Ford on Regarding Henry (which I sincerely like).

Once again, the writers make the case that Selina’s growing toxicity and lessening self-awareness have made her more electable, not less.”

I will argue to my death that “Nothing goes over my head, my reflexes are too fast. I would...catch it” is the best-delivered line in the entire MCU. Just the little pause before and the emphasis he puts on “catch” just slays me.

That was great, thanks.  Your piece pointed out a lot of little details I never noticed.

Well, let’s face it, there were a lot of things in Age of Ultron that weren’t quite right. 

Like I said, I get it. It just bugged me.

CA:TWS is SO damn good, but one scene that irritates me is the one where Pierce and Bucky are sitting in the dark in his kitchen talking about their dirty dealings, and the cleaning woman comes in because she forgot something. So, naturally he has to kill her. I get it, they had to demonstrate that he’s a bad guy,

The Neckst Tomb Raider

Thanks, I had completely forgotten about that ho-bag.

That’s true.  But I think it stops short of controlling.  “He’s a good guy, it was just the scepter/Tesseract!” doesn’t fly, because from what we’ve seen Loki is not a “good guy” good guy, he’s an antihero at best, and a likeable villain otherwise.  I think we’re in agreement here.

I think it’s how you approach the idea. If you say the scepter controlled him and made him act evil, I’d say that’s bullshit, and that it’s bad writing that does disservice to the character. But if you say that the scepter is kind of like the One Ring and uses the greed and jealousy that’s already in you, and

It definitely seems truer to the character that he saw an opportunity to bait Thanos into helping him fake his death and escape (possibly on the Bifrost that Heimdall sent Hulk to Earth with) than that he made a clumsy assassination attempt and then let Thanos choke him—a shape-shifting trickster god and master of

I never was very good at this game, my Mongo would aways

Well, typically the alleged perpetrator would not be perceived as being financially able to reimburse the city for its investigative costs. But in this case the subject is a TV actor, so...

Your favorite book is American Psycho? Let me guess, your second-favorite book is Fight Club.

The amount of interest I have in reading that interview (or any of Ellis’ books for that matter) is. . . .less than zero.