Tobias Lehigh Nagy

I can’t see that picture without thinking of the couple name that someone (probably an AV Club commentor) came up with:  Wellicity H. Muffman

She went to Saturday matinees and watched The Little Rascals? How the fuck old IS she?

The sequel was alright as far as sequels go.  It was way better than it had any right to be.

I’m sorry, that was a stupid comment. I woke up at 1AM, couldn’t get back to sleep, watched the Trevor Noah video, and the part about the staged beating not getting caught on video made me think about what if they recovered audio? And what if, when the cops listened to it, instead of hearing the expected Chicago

Has anyone heard the Nigerian brothers speak? Did they grow up in the States? I’m just wondering if they have that exaggerated, guttural, African accent like M’Baku from Black Panther. “DIS IS MAGA CON-TREE!”

They would have had me at “All Access” if they hadn’t already lost me at “CBS”.

What other tantalizing clues will be revealed in upcoming trailers? Keep your eyes. . .PEELEd! HEEE-HEE-HEE-HEE-HEE-HEE-HEE!

Right, they’re just fucking freaky.

That header image, it’s as if they said, “Hey, remember that old Wizard of Oz musical starring Judy Garland?  Not NEARLY gay enough.”

The Wheelers....fuuuuuuck.

His only regret is that he had but one ass to give for this film.

Who gives a rat’s ass?

And at least as of this writing, the rat has never committed a hate crime.

Gifroy Was Here

Well, Paltrowally...

I think “pastiche” may be the word that Meyers was reaching for, and it was actually used a couple of times in the article.

All proceeds go to get their lead singer outta jail.

“A cat will blink when struck with a hammer.” —George Carlin

I honestly found her quite fetching in The Avengers, sashaying around in those Daisy Dukes.