Tobias Lehigh Nagy

“...for tightness and health...”

I misread that as “So which king did Andy Dick need to suck...”  And the answer is, of course, George III.

You left out that it was during the polar vortex when Chicago was like Siberia.

Way to give ammunition to the alt-right MAGA crowd and make it harder for legitimate victims of hate crimes to be believed, dumbfuck.

Counterpoint: LEGO Batman bears almost no relationship to Batman except in name, and adds nothing meaningful to the Batman milieu. I like Will Arnett a lot, but I’m really sick and tired of his one-note “Batman.”

Cold out there.

I didn’t do nothin’!

D’oh. Really? I must have missed that.

“Lock the gates”? Is that a reference to his brief but memorable cameo appearance as the sleazy concert promoter in Almost Famous?

I cannot buy bananas at Costco, so if I make a Costco grocery run, I’m still going to have to run to the produce store or regular grocery store to get bananas. The ones at Costco always look like they just got out of a relationship with Johnny Depp.

The organic Kirkland milk sells for $9.99 for three half-gallon cartons. It’s expensive, but you can really taste the difference. I like milk as a general rule, and this stuff is delicious (I get the 1%). Longer shelf life than regular store-brand milk as well, although I’ve got two kids and we easily get through a

I have the DVD set that comes in a tin with the special editions. The original theatrical releases are on there as bonus discs. The theatrical versions aren’t anamorphic for some reason, so I have to adjust the zoom settings on my TV to get the correct aspect ratio. Lower picture quality, but at least Han shoots

Ohhhh, I get it, they named him Porkins because he was fat! The Star Wars universe can be dreadfully on-the-nose when it comes to naming things, can’t it?

Well, you should come write for the A.V. Club.

Blu-Ray editions of the absolutely un-fucked-with (other than cleaning up visible mattes and faded film prints, etc.) original theatrical releases of the original trilogy would be super nice. Otherwise I couldn’t really give two shits. Or one, for that matter.

Bryan Singer is not the guy that I would ever imagine having a feel for Red Sonja, if you know what I mean. Certainly they could have found a director who was more sympathetic to the material.

In addition to all his other innovations, Leonardo invented poker.  And dogs.

Speaking of bombshell, JLD certainly is poured into that dress, isn’t she?  Tony Hale’s gaze seems...preoccupied.

Wes Anderson?  You mean the Kinks are getting back together?!

I’m racist against shitty actors, but nevertheless watch how far I’m willing to stick my tongue down Michelle Rodriguez’ throat.