Tobias Lehigh Nagy

It wait till the Number 6 dolphin dance later on.

I’ve got a Dreamcast hooked up to my HDTV with downloaded emulators that have HUNDREDS upon HUNDREDS of of NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, and Atari 2600 games, so I see “31 NES titles” and I’m like “Ooh, pinch me.”

Woo hoo, free cloning!

I’m sure after they accumulate more data and adjust their samples, her results will turn out to be not “1/1000 Cherokee” but “more Native American than Sitting Bull.”

I wonder how that audition process went down.  “Can we hear you breathe loudly through your nostrils again?”

I didn’t think it was that sappy or predictable, at least not for a kids’ Christmas movie. I liked that it was sort of left open as to whether the reindeer was actually a magical Santa reindeer. [spoilers]The very ending makes it explicit,with the shot of Santa’s sleigh, but that could just as easily have been in

I saw Prancer for the first time this past Christmas, and damn if Sam Elliott didn’t make me cry. Like, bawling.

Fun fact: It is impossible to have your head up your ass if you’re too busy sucking your own dick.

Thank you for your incisive comments, person commenting on a pop culture and entertainment website.

I remember sitting in the car with my mom for two hours in a line at the gas station waiting to get gas.

I’ll be damned.  I never remembered Alfred Molina being in Cabin Boy, but indeed he was.

No, he said a superhero movie, not a masked vigilante movie.

Crucify nonproductive members of society first; they’re not producing anything, so no big loss, and it helps keep the productive people in line. It’s in the Tyrant’s Handbook: A Handy Dandy Guide for First-Time Despots.

Not Funny Adam Sandler? You mean Adam Sandler?

Perkins has to put food on the table somehow.

That would be my second act.  First things first.

My first act as tyrant would be firing Dennis Perkins.  

The Church of Sleep.  Can I get an amen?!

I have hundreds and hundreds of books, and if I had more space I’d probably have thousands. I cull occasionally, getting rid of books I’ve read and didn’t like that much or of which I’ve come to the realization that I’ll probably never read. However, I still have hundreds of books I haven’t read. And that’s the way

People use social media to express their thoughts, but it’s so quick and easy that it requires almost no thought to express their thoughts, which is kind of the problem.