The people who say that promotion and relegation causes leagues with only two or three winners annoy the shit out of me.
The people who say that promotion and relegation causes leagues with only two or three winners annoy the shit out of me.
Christ, these journalists are just falling over themselves to defend SHS, latching onto a throwaway joke about eyeshadow in their eagerness to keep their places at the Trump feeding trough.
The fact that Trump supporters are defending the decision to not attend this dinner basically proves that Trump supporters, like The President himself are cowards who are too scared of having their faux-masculinity shattered.
Putin doesn’t do favors for Trump. That’s not how blackmail works.
Nice Spengler Cup reference. But this isn’t about Bettman. It’s about the fact that the IOC wasn’t willing to give the NHL literally anything for the NHL shutting down for 3 weeks (even if the IIHF stepped in at the last minute) and the fact that sending players to the Olympics has netted the NHL almost nothing.
Honestly, this is like an unfunny”Why Your Team Sucks” post.
The Eagles defense is fantastic, but this needs to be reiterated: after leaving USC in disgrace, Sarkisian managed not to fuck up Alabama’s offense for one year, and was hired by a team fresh off of a Super Bowl appearance with a top offense, the league MVP and no key offensive skill position losses. Under his watch,…
I get that you guys can’t stand Simmons (though I’ve never fully understood why it runs so deep around here), but the following doesn’t strike me as the ravings of a frothing lunatic:
The Portnoy system just doesn’t have the same success rate though.
Probably the feet too; they’re important here.
Oh, that’s absolutely a valid reason, and the one that irks me the most. Though it did allow for the joke, “How long before that one gets to Putin as well?”
Jesus fucking christ, is his ex wife a 14 year old experiencing social media for the first time?
You can put Vienna, Austria high on this list. When I was there, Summer before last, alcohol was served almost everywhere and I saw walking around with it, chilling near parks/fountains, and even on the subway. Upon checking, Austria has no open container laws, and in Vienna at least, everyone enjoys it.
How is Munich not on this list? It’s pretty tough getting a beer from a vending machine in Tokyo as a foreigner. You need to insert a Japanese ID to be able to buy a beer.
I think it’s the resentment that comes from being uneducated conservatives in highly educated, liberal places—the converse of the “village liberal” thing you see in a lot of conservative towns.
Capitalism really does a number on some people.
It makes total sense to prefer to keep your baseball team over your NFL team if you care about the quality of life in your city.
is there another country on this planet where the citizens gleefully subsidize billionaires so they can, in turn, make billions more, almost for free?