
His entire 80s output is deeply embarrassing, square music that’s the musical equivalent of ED. 

it is hilarious that being a Pats fan is EXACTLY like being a Yankees fan used to be.

Not all great football games involve a lot of offense. From a tactical/strategic standpoint, it actually was great, I thought. In every sense of the world it was a great DC (Wade Phillips) taking on a great Head Coach/DC (Bill Belichick) with two pretty good offensive minds, all of whom were trying to figure each

I lived in Boston for 10 pretty awful Patriots seasons (‘89 - ‘98) and, yes, I include the last gasp of the Parcells era among the awful. But I don’t think you can call yourself a true Pats fan unless you’ve had a fur-coat-wearing, Salvation-Army-bell-ringing Irving Fryar call you a cheapskate for not putting money in

It is surprising because it is untrue. I live in Austria, and the German media, which I watch most of the time, has devoted a lot of attention to the women’s team. The problem in Germany is more that they don’t televise the late games if Germany isn’t playing, you have to watch on streaming.

They lose to U-16 boys teams.  The moment you say something silly like “the women’s team could beat the men” is the moment you lose a lot of credibility.

Every time this point comes up in an article, I never see anything to dissuade me from my original opinion. You can chalk it up to marketing efforts from the German governing body. USWNT is marketed well here and, sure, I enjoy watching them in the World Cup.

I’ll take the overly critical music critic wankery over the “Nothing is ever bad, this music helped me get through not getting invited to Senior Prom” navel gazey thinkpiece bullshit that replaced it.

As an American, I’ll never forget how funny I found it when they voted for something so incredibly stupid, and I’ll also never forget how much comeuppance I got for that laughing just a few months later when we blew that out of the water.

The problem is that these people are blaming Trump when they should be blaming the Republican Party as a whole. It wasn’t just Trump who scammed them. The entire GOP including the sainted John McCain screwed them. This is the problem with focusing on Trump as the source of all evil. He’s just the avatar. The entire

I’d say it was the other way around. Brady went to covered guys on third downs when he had Edelman or Gronk open nearly every time (and that pick was REAL bad he could’ve easily got that to his guy by throwing to the other shoulder). They decided to stop running Michel despite it working (and ending up icing the

If they didn’t know how to go about even trying to beat what was placed in front of them, isn’t that of some credit to the defense so completely overwhelming them they just shut down?

I am confused on why the general consensus is that the game was bad. Are we, as a whole, really that enamored with offense that we cannot appreciate the defensive game that just happened?  This was not a bad football game, it was a great defensive game.  

Yep, New England... hotbed of Trumpism. 

New Hampshire – I like New Hampshire just fine, but you can probably stick to just Vermont and not really miss anything.

New Hampshire’s all right if you like fighting.

New Hampshire has the most beautiful mountains on the east coast. Delaware has at best the second nicest beaches in the mid-Atlantic.

I got to the airport on time. I picked up breakfast at the airport and got to the gate on time. I sat down, at the gate. and started eating my breakfast. A flight was boarding but because I didn’t hear my flight called, I didn’t know it was my flight. I watched them close the door to the jetway while I was sitting

Aww come on. The Lone Gunmen was pretty great!
I would take another season of that over another season of Firefly.

To mention it in the same breath as Joey hurts my heart.