
Led Zeppelin, the Rolling Stones, the Beatles, the Who and Jimi Hendrix are the top 5. You can put those 5 in whatever order you like, but they are the iconic acts that define “rock”, and everyone else comes after. Not a question of talent or body of work, those are simply the bands that define the genre.

Talking Heads are “New Wave”.  They were a response to Classic Rock, not Classic Rock. The Police, the Clash, Devo, etc. are not classic rock.  The Cars may be. 

That wouldn’t be surprising.  Given the amount of movies and TV Simmons seems to consume, he can’t be working all that hard. 

Aren’t steroids an ‘80s thing? Seems like by now there is probably some high-end gene modification therapy developed in a Gazprom funded lab in Novosibirsk, and that’s what Brady uses.  Not to get too conspiratorial, but the whole Kraft-Putin-Trump thing is all a bit odd. 

But does New England “export” racism? That seems a stretch.  More hypocritical about their own racism than other regions would be a more fair criticism.

I find it funny how people outside New England are apparently too stupid to appreciate, say, Robert Frost, Emily Dickinson, Louisa May Alcott, Charles Ives, Atlantic Magazine, craft beers or even Conan O’Brien. And the game of basketball. And then complain that New England doesn’t export culture. My God, New England

Yes, and if a Pats fan can’t name Steve Grogan, Jim Plunkett and Tony Eason, they are band wagon fans.   If they name Babe Parilli, extra points.  If they name Hugh Millen or Scott Zolak, they are Jets fans trolling you.

No, really they are Ben Affleck in <i>Chasing Amy</i>

I am also GenX, and we always had it in for the Boomers. Still remember having conversations in the 90s with people then in their 40s boasting about how no good music had been made after 1973, etc. etc. Boomers voted for Reagan, and we hated Reagan. Fuck Boomers.

I was just in Paris.  I saw no evidence that France is any more passionate than Germany about women’s soccer.  It would be interesting to see actual television ratings. 

I was just in Paris. No one was paying attention to the Women’s World Cup Friday or Saturday. But there sure were a lot of rugby fans jazzed about the Toulose-Clermont game last night at Stade de France. When the French women’s team isn’t playing, no one seems to care about the WWC.  That might be a little better than

It is surprising because it is untrue. I live in Austria, and the German media, which I watch most of the time, has devoted a lot of attention to the women’s team. The problem in Germany is more that they don’t televise the late games if Germany isn’t playing, you have to watch on streaming.

Every game is shown live in prime time on Germany’s main two networks - ARD and ZDF, and getting very good ratings from all accounts. Frau Rollenhagen is clearly misleading her audience. The German women’s team is actually very popular, just not as popular as the men’s team, and that seems to be making Frau

Sorry, this article is absolutely ridiculous. What the author might want to focus on is how far women’s football lin Germany has come in the last 12 years. The amount of attention the women’s team is getting this year is far in excess of the last time around. Change doesn’t happen over night, and most people don’t

Boston is a city that doesn’t support Donald Trump, unlike st Louis

Trump = Bizarro Kennedy?  Fair enough.

Napoleon III at least had decent taste - Paris became the elegant city of tree-lined boulevards and cafes we know and love under his reign and encouragement. 

A lot of people in the 1970s hated Zeppelin. And they had perfectly valid reasons to do so - Zeppelin was derivative, misogynistic, dumb lyrics, were overrated as musicians (Cream were much better), their fanbase consisted of burn-outs and jocks, and the big songs from  were ridiculously overplayed on FM radio to the

Actually, new candy bars have been created over the last 20 years, but they are marketed as “healthy.” What are Cliff Bars but candy bars for overambitious adults who shop at WholeFoods and don’t want to admit they are eating candy bars. And those Kind “snack bars” barely even pretend not to be candy.

Isn’t the analogy a little more like a Wild-card winner winning the Superbowl? I know Pats fans had to console themselves with that after the Giants won the Superbowl.