
This is why people like Graham and McConnell put up with Trump. Trump may be a crook and a paid Russian agent, but he’s an incompetent and lazy crook/Russian agent. For the most part Trump has done nothing but bloviate while the GOP donors got what they wanted from Congress and the US military is running around the

Professional sports teams are fucking artificial commercial monstrosities. We all know that, but at the end of the day we are rooting for a region. As long as the Patriots represent New England, they deserve to win, even if their owner is an asshole sliding into dementia, their coach is an adulterer, and their QB is

It was a great game, if only perversely because I knew the suits were pulling their hair out. But given all the effort the league has put in over the past 20 years destroying defense and turning football into 43-40 point track meets to meet the needs of the casual fan, it was pretty hilarious to end up with an old

Funnily enough, my land lady is 45, and a huge Bon Jovi fan. Her name is Andrea, but close enough.

Blame the Boston sports media. Sports radio and the Boston Globe spend an inordinate amount of time complaining about the Patriots and constantly predicting their imminent demise. This is part of the reason Patriots fans are so obnoxious, they actually believe the Patriots get no respect. It’s a chicken-egg problem.

Assholes like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. Kansas City is the team of Eric Greitens.

Fuck off. The Patriots represent New England, one of the few parts of America that is not a Trumpian shithole.  Liberals root for the Pats, the Giants or the Rams. Certainly not a Red State team like Kansas City.

Grogan did not suck. Fuck you for even calling yourself a Pats fan. The early Grogan years - 1976-1978 - were probably, in terms of relative talent, the best Patriots teams that ever took the field, and certainly the most exciting to watch. They were undermined by penny pinching owners.  Grogan got the shit beat out

Compared to Vermont or Massachusetts? No question. Maine has a good argument. 

Tuckerman’s is as good as anything in Vermont. Smuttynose is great, assuming they survive bankruptcy. In any case, there are so many decent craft brewers all across the US these days that the Vermont beer scene is not the unique attraction it once was. The best food in New England is in Maine anyway, Vermont is a

Drew has Vermont and New Hampshire backwards. Vermont is fine, but there is a better version of everything in Vermont in New Hampshire. Portsmouth>Burlington, Winnipesaukee>Lake Champlain, White Mountains>Green Mountains, Concord>Montpelier, New Hampshire accent is funnier than the Vermont accent, etc. Vermont’s one

Weed, guns and axes. We don’t pay our taxes.

That is an insane take. New Hampshire is easily the nicest state in New England. It has the most natural beauty - Lake Winnipesaukee, the White Mountains, and Franconia Notch. And it has your charming hipster city - Portsmouth, a laid back Vermont-style college town - Hannover, and the quaint small town that is a refu

My interest in Champions League Football (Soccer) is now diminishing since the geniuses at UEFA decided to sell the rights in Germany and Austria to the highest bidder (Sky/DAZN).  Bundesliga is already basically pay-per-view.  The geniuses behind international soccer seem determined to kill the goose.

I suspect Zach ruined American Football for his Mexican friends with his anger drinking. The lack of self-awareness in that post is stunning, and beautifully representative of a Bear’s fan. Take the Mexican perspective - some American co-worker invites you to his apartment, starts drinking hard and getting crazy angry

Have you not noticed that the rest of the world, literally the rest of the entire god damn world, eats the same pizza we eat on the East Coast? Do Chicagoans never wonder why no one in Italy, Japan, Argentina, Russia, Canada or the UK (to say nothing of California, Utah or Texas) wants to eat “Deep dish pizza”? This

Yeah, but the Boston road game is played in Foxboro, which is a dull suburb 40 minutes away from anything fun.

1978 was much worse than 2003, as any real Red Sox fan knows, at least any real Red Sox fan old enough to have experienced both. 1986 was in a class of its own.

Mozart is the layman’s answer. Every serious musician knows the answer is Johann Sebastian Bach.

The GOAT of rock is fucking obvious, and it’s Paul McCartney. Sorry. Not my favorite either, but Paul was in the most influential band ever. “Rock” as we know it would not exist without the Beatles. In 1963 American pop music was well on its way towards re-segregating into R&B/Motown for blacks, Beach Boys and