
America should probably not be a single country at this point. The constitution was not written with a population of 319 million in mind and I would wager that it’s not only difficult for a single government to serve the needs of 319 million people, it’s probably impossible (unless you have an actual [ACTUAL; SHUT THE

Umm no. Game of Thrones got MUCH better after a few middling to bad seasons when it was finally untethered from GRRM’s later books in the series. To me, the TV show IS the official canon. I could care less if GRRM never publishes anything ever again.

You have to divide Star Wars from the cultural revolution it caused. Then it’s a good movie (I like it’s enthusiasm) but not a great one (just listened to all the awful dialogue). Annie Hall is of course better. And I’m saying that as someone who sat open mouthed in the movie theater in 1977 listening to Darth Vader

That movie is a treasure, and you and Drew are Philistines.

I know you’re trying to be funny, but I think this comment is totally ignorant and disrespectful to the millions of Soviet troops who died fighting Nazi Germany so that, in 2017, the Russian national anthem could take the place of “The Star Spangled Banner”

“Will Kimball—who is clearly well-versed in German pronunciation, should have seen “Deutchland Deutschland Über Alles” and immediately raised a red flag”

What a complete disaster. This was supposed to play instead of the Star Spangled Banner.

1. NO ONE will tell you that Boston has a racial issue any more. Keep basing that off of 30 year old crap.

By cheating do you mean that time the team recorded video from a perfectly legal location and that time the laws of physics worked as they were supposed to?

Pats “got caught cheating” the same way Hillary “got caught” murdering diplomats in Benghazi. That’s why we call it Ballghazi.

The lack of US ads during the superbowl has been complained about for a long time in Canada.

There is enough salt in soy sauce to preserve almost anything.

Exactly, but you can lure him and his cabinet into a screening of a popular children’s film, lock all of the doors and then light the room on fire. It’d be so easy I can’t believe no one is doing this.

When Trump burns down the Reichstag and blames it on this chubby Polish kid, we’ll see who’s laughing then.

In the great hotel room
There was a telephone
And the fake news
And a picture of –
A callgirl giving him a full moon

Never get into the boat. Absolutely goddamn right.

Sam Allardyce is available, for the right price.

Yeah, I mean, I stopped at 2 because honestly, tears and scotch make typing and cogent sentence formation rather difficult

James Buchanan? Whose Presidency preceeded the Civil War?

Tiffany is the Meg Griffin of the Trumps.