
I realize that this is a very Deadspin-y comment, but maybe the fact I just flipped from the Chelsea/Southampton game to the Seahawks/Saints and was greeted by a long commercial break, a 30 second highlight replay (!), and another long commercial break might have something to do with it all.

According to the Deadspin narrative - and I’m not professing it, just letting you know - the Indians are racists because of their mascot and some guy in management on the Cubs has ties to a Trump super-pac. These guys, for some reason, can’t switch off the outrage machine to watch playoff baseball.

This is good to know, but I’m not quite sure why everyone’s so thrilled. It will do NOTHING to his voters. They won’t care. If they don’t care when he insults a disabled person, and veterans and their families, and he stiffs small business owners, they are not going to care — may even praise his accounting acumen —

Many college students would be quite happy to learn their new roommate is also a supplier.

Vegemite is great! Fight me.

I think most sports fans are terrible. It takes a special kind of dumb to routinely plunk hundreds of dollars down per game to watch grown-ass men play games.

I think he honestly has no idea Kap is black.

Bonjour Mario Beaulieu. je ne savais pas que tu allait sur deadspin. en passant juste parce que tu parle anglais ne veut pas dire que tout ceux qui parlent anglais sont moins intelligents.

What Quebec really needs to do is become a populated American metropolis with a warm weather climate and very little interest in hockey. That’s how you get an NHL team.

Is it just me or did Affleck sound like he had a couple before the show? He had that early buzz going on where he was overly loud and passionate about something that shouldn’t draw that much ire out of anyone. Plus he sounded slurred a few times.

I live in Boston, love Ben Affleck completely unironically, agree with everything he had to say about Ballgahzi, am legit 100% right now drunker than he and Bill were on camera, and even I winced through that whole discussion. I only watched a clip, so I thought I had missed the part where they announced they had

It’s not a burrito without the tortilla — you’re just eating a bowl of shit.

burrito bowls are for pussies who “don’t need all those carbs”

That English announcer was fucking weak. How lame. Must be from Cincinnati.

The most boring championship winning call EVER.

Try this one: These Russian hooligans don’t drink, they come solely to fight. They are provocateurs who come to cause violence.

Fuck off

Did anyone mention that the next World Cup host is Russia?

As far as I can tell that is a sterotype only among people who post on Deadspin and certain football fans who hate the Patriots. For the most part the stereotype of Bostonians as lefty, sensitive overeducated types is just as accurate. Basically you are claiming Southie and Charlestown represent Boston, but for most

Yeah... still waiting for the "funny". I guess it was hilarious there are regional price differences? Or, hilarious that he asked them to repeat the order, AND managed to outsmart an inanimate object to link the calls ? It's not really funny, or original. (it was more fun, back in 80's and 90's, to use HAM radios and