
I wish the comics rights had gone back to Marvel. Nothing against IDW, but I really want reprints of the Marvel Micronauts and Rom series.

christ, it’s just NEVER ENOUGH for your broads, is it?

I think RDJ is done except for the occasional flashback cameo.

SJ is doing a whole movie.

I’m still mad about the “can’t undo it” nature of the Soul Stone exchange. At the very least giving the Stone back should give you a soul back. “Soul for a soul.” and all that.

I’m also pissed about it because of Gamora. Getting

I think it should receive a nomination for Best Adapted Screenplay. As others have mentioned, the level of difficulty of bringing all these characters and all these movies together was extreme and they pulled it all together brilliantly. The nitpick is that they seemed to play a little fast and loose with the time

The answer for such complaints is always: “Watch Sullivans Travels and we can talk in the morning.”

I don’t think a movie fitting that description has won Best Picture since 1956. I suppose you could call Titanic a cheesy Georgian drama, but people really liked that one.

It was contrived but I still dug it, I was more bothered by the logic of it, Captain Marvel just flew through a frigging space shit, she doesn’t need help getting through these guys (as seen by the females fighting, fighting, then cut to Captain Marvel just blazing through the baddies like a hot knife through butter).

You might get shot by Karen Gillan. It could happen.

A cheesy gay Victorian drama that solves racism with fried chicken and a road trip, tyvm.

thats nice. Now please don’t ever do that in a cinema that I’m in.

He has both.  Think of it this way - Sam doesn’t become Captain America.  The Falcon does.

It was fine right up until Paltrow turned up in the shot, at which point they may as well have had Aunt May there.

I loved this Hulk.

My god, he was pretty when he was young.

Okay, my theory on the 2014-versions of Thanos/Gamora/Nebula et al. not affecting the timeline: They are time aberrations, to borrow some Legends of Tomorrow parlance. They’re absence would create a massive time paradox, so essentially the timeline they’re from becomes a de facto alternate universe.

I like to think that someone out there managed to undo Kinja's snap, if only for this one article.

I see it the exact opposite. Infinity War is almost entirely just having fun with different characters meeting each other for the first time. But there is no story. The closest thing to plot is tracking Thanos’ relationship with Gamora. But none of the heroes have any arcs in that film. Endgame, by contrast, does

After Tony refuses to help with time travel:

I remember one interview with the Doctor Strange writers where they basically said, “Every choice we can make will piss some people off, so taking that as unavoidable, what’s the most interesting choice we can make?”

To be fair, Director Man is one of the most powerful heroes in the MCU.